![]() TM 9-1300-275/3
2-2.1.2 Shipping Configuration. The rocket (fig.
rocket motor, and folding fins. Near the aft end
of the warhead are three green bands to identify
tainer that serves as the launching tube. The
the type of filler, and one yellow band to indicate
rocket is never shipped removed from the ship
the high explosive in the burster. Immediately
ping-and-firing container. Two decals are affixed
aft of the color bands is a decal identification
to this container. One decal bears the nomencla-
label that lists the nomenclature, filler, lot num-
ture, date, and lot number; the other has three
ber, and filling date.
Figure 2-8. M55, 115MM Gas Rocket.
green bands to indicate a nerve-agent filling and
a yellow band to show the high-explosive content.
2-2.3 Principles of Operation.
The complete round consists of a point-detonating
fuze, warhead, rocket motor, and fin assembly.
M417 point-detonating fuze. With the fuse in-
2-2.1.3 Weights. Approximate weights of the
stalled in the rocket, the fuze rotor is locked in
various M55 rocket components (fig. 2-9) are:
unarmed position. Rocket fuzes arm from forces
fuze, 0.5 pound ; rocket motor, 35.0 pounds; war-
developed during firing. When the fuze functions,
head (fuzed), 21.2 pounds of GB filler, or 20.2
the burster shatters the rocket, dispersing the
pounds of VX filler. The complete rocket weighs
chemical-agent filler.
56.2 pounds with GB and 55.2 pounds with VX.
2-2.4 Safety Precautions.
Container and rocket together weigh about 74
2-2.4.1 Do not permit radio transmitters to
operate near these munitions.
2-2.2 Hazards.
2-2.4.2 Determine whether igniter cables are
Handling of the M55 rocket includes such haz-
shorted. If not, maintain full electrostatic pre-
ards as explosive fuze, rocket motor, rocket motor
cautions before reconnecting these wires.
igniters, warhead filler agent, and warhead
2-2.4.3 Since this ammunition contains high-
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