![]() TM 9-1300-275/1
2-2.2.1 Description. This type is not penetrated by
2-1.1 ABC-M18A2 Chemical Agent Detector Kit.
vapor and is highly resistant to liquid chemical agents.
It consists of cotton cloth coated on both sides with butyl
2-1.1.1 Use. This kit is for detecting dangerous
rubber. Generally, impermeable protective clothing is
concentrations of chemical agents: AC, CX, CK, CG,
worn for protection of personnel engaged in extremely
ED, MD, G, H, HD, HN, HT, L, and V.
hazardous decontamination work or in other special
operations involving danger from spillage or splash of
a. The kit measures 8 x 6 x 3 inches and contains
liquid chemical agents.
all materials necessary for adequate detection. It can
also be used to take samples of unknown agents for
2-2.2.2 Use. This clothing is normally used under the
laboratory analysis.
It should always be readily
following conditions:
accessible to an escort team when escorting chemical
a. When handling blister or nerve agents.
agents or chemical munitions.
b. In heavily contaminated areas.
b. For further information on this kit, refer to TM 9-
c. When the danger of spillage of a liquid agent
1300-275/2 or to TM 3-6665-254-12.
Surveillance. Surveillance equipment for the detection
of G-series chemical agent leakers consists of live,
2-2.3 Permeable Protective Clothing.
caged rabbits, at least two in each truck, railway car,
aircraft, or ship's hold. After estimating the number of
rabbits needed for escort, add 10 percent extra to have
2-2.3.1 Description. This clothing consists of cloth
replacements for any that die in transit. These rabbits
treated with chemicals that absorb or neutralize vapors,
are supplied by the consignor.
aerosols, and small (up to 1/8 inch) liquid droplets of
chemical agents.
2-1.2 AN-M15A2A and AN-MISA2N Chemical Agent
2-2.3.2 Use. Generally, permeable protective clothing
Detector Kits.
is worn for protection of personnel exposed to vapors
and small liquid droplets of blister and V-agents in field
2-1.2.1 Use. These kits are for detecting dangerous
concentrations. Such clothing is for use by combat
concentrations of CK, CX, G, H, and V.
troops and has only limited application for technical
escort teams. Impregnated underwear is used under
a. The kits measure 5 x 5 1/2 x 2 3/4 inches with
appropriate protective clothing when exposure to blister
all of their contents enclosed.
agents and V-series nerve agents is imminent.
b. For further information on these kits, refer to TM
2-3 MASKS.
At present, the protective mask in general use for
2-2.1 General.
technical escort teams is the M9. The team commander
Two main types of protective clothing are available to
may be issued the M15 (Scott Air Pack), M17, M19, and
escort personnel: impermeable and permeable. Refer
the OBA-M20.
to TM 10-227 for detailed description and use of
protective clothing. FM 21-40 has information on the
wearing of protective clothing.
Once the mission (including cargo, mode of
2-2.2 Impermeable Protective Clothing.
transportation, and dunnage) is known, determine
firefighting requirements and make provisions for
necessary equipment and personnel.
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