![]() TM 9-1300-275/1
d. Fire, explosion, or natural disaster involving
1-1.1 Purpose.
chemical or biological agents which causes release of or
contamination by the agent.
This manual is published for personnel who escort
shipments of chemical agents and chemical munitions.
e. Loss, seizure, or theft of chemical or biological
1-1.2 Scope.
1-2.3 CBAICO, AFDPO, and NDCO.
1-1.2.1 Procedures outlined herein are standardized for
Officers to call upon during an accident or incident
use when escorting chemical agents and munitions. If a
emergency are the Chemical-Biological Accident and
biological mission is assigned, refer to Appendix A for
Incident Control Officer (CBAICO), the Air Force
applicable publications.
Disaster Preparedness Officer (AFDPO), and the Navy
Disaster Control Officer (NDCO). Dependent upon
Report of errors, omissions, and
whether on an Army, Air Force, or Navy base, inform
recommendations for improving this publication by the
the appropriate officer when an accident or major
individual user is encouraged. Reports should be
incident occurs. He is in charge of all technical
submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes
operations resulting from an accident or incident.
to DA Publications) and forwarded direct to
Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, ATTN:
1-2.4 Consignee.
SMUPA-WD2, Dover, New Jersey 07801.
The person or agency receiving the cargo.
1-2.1 Incident.
1-3.1 Personnel.
1-2.1.1 Significant Chemical-Biological Incident. Any
Escort personnel must be trained thoroughly in the
situation which, if not corrected, could result in an
handling of chemical materiel and in the hazards and
Such situations include malfunction or
safe practices involved. Technical escort training is
deterioration of a container or associated equipment
conducted at the U. S. Army Chemical Center and
components; attempted seizure or theft; physical
School, Fort McClellan, Alabama 36201.
damage to containers which does not but could result in
spillage; and any possibility of contamination, explosion,
3.1.1 All personnel who work with toxic chemical agents
or release of CB material.
must wear the medical ID bracelet continuously for at
1-2.1.2 Minor CB Incident. An unexpected event or
least 2 days after completion of a mission.
procedural violation, not reportable as a significant
incident, but which could cause damage, malfunction, or
1-3.1.2 Escort personnel will wear adequate protective
failure of a CB weapon or associated equipment.
clothing when handling, inspecting, and containing
leakers (refer to TM 9-1300275/3).
1-2.2 Accident.
1-2.2.1 Chemical-Biological Accident. Any situation
1-3.1.3 Personnel must keep a first-aid kit available and
involving CB agents that results in:
suitable for the mission involved.
a. Physical damage to munitions or containers
which causes spillage.
1-3.1.4 At all times, follow general safety precautions,
such as traffic safety.
b. Exposure of unprotected personnel
hazardous quantities of chemical or biological agents.
1-3.2 Breathing Apparatus.
c. Contamination of public or private land,
buildings, equipment, animals, or vehicles.
Wear suitable, self-contained breathing apparatus for
the following:
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