![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
same as an NSN with "01" even though the
description. In the Special Tools List, the initial basis of
Federal Supply Class (FSC) and the last seven
issue (BOI) appears as the last line in the entry for each
digits are the same. "The NIIN that is published
special tool. special TMDE, and other special support
is the NIIN that should be used." An item of
equipment. When density of equipments supported exceeds
supply has been assigned one unique NIIN and
density spread indicated in the basis of issue, the total
changing one digit of the NIIN will result in the
authorization is increased accordingly.
receipt of the wrong item.
g. Unit of Measure (U/M). Indicates the standard of the
e. Action change codes indicated in the left-hand margin
basic quantity of the listed item as used in performing the
of the listing page denote the following:
actual maintenance function. This measure is expressed by
a two-character alphabetical abbreviation (e.g., ea, in., pr,
N - Indicates an added item
etc.). When the unit of measure differs from the unit of
issue, the lowest unit of issue that will satisfy the required
C - indicates a change in data
units of measure will be requisitioned.
R Indicates a change in NSN only.
h. Quantity Incorporated in Unit. Indicates the
quantity of the item used in the breakout shown on the
B-5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional group,
subfunctional group, or an assembly. A "V" appearing in
a. When National Stock Number or Part Number is
this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that no specific
quantity is applicable (e.g., shims, spacers, etc.).
(1) First. Using the table of contents, determine the
B-4 Special Information.
functional group within which the item belongs. This is
necessary since illustrations are prepared for functional
a. Usable on codes are shown in the description column.
groups, and listings are divided into the same groups.
Uncoded items are applicable to all models. Identification
of the usable codes used in this publication are:
(2) Second. Find the illustration covering the
functional group to which the item belongs.
Used on
(3) Third. Identify the item on the illustration and
Model XM128
note the illustration figure and item number of the item.
Model XMl36
(4) Fourth. Using the Repair Parts Listing, find the
figure and item number noted on the illustration.
b. Bulk materials required to manufacture items are
listed in the Bulk Material Group of this manual.
b. When National Stock Number or Part Number is
c. Detailed assembly instructions for items source coded
to be assembled are found in TM 9-1270-212-14&P.
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers
Assembly components are listed immediately following the
and Part Numbers, find the pertinent National stock
item to be assembled.
number or part number. This index is in NIIN sequence
followed by a list of part numbers in `alphanumeric
d. National stock numbers (NSN's) omitted in this
sequence, cross-referenced to the illustration figure number
appendix were not available at the time of printing. These
and item number.
items will be requisitioned by their assigned part number.
Changes will be issued to the manual upon receipt of the
(2) Second. After finding the figure and item number,
applicable NSN's.
locate the figure and item number in the repair parts list.
B-6. Abbreviations.
New NSN's now entering the Federal Supply
system are carrying an "01" rather than "00"
for the country code identification. An NSN
with "00" as the first two digits of the National
Helmet sight subsystem
Item Identification Number (NIIN) is not the
Next higher assembly
Change 1
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