![]() TM 9-1270-212-14&P
sighting point the number of roils computed as the error.
then recheck the adjustment by repeating steps af through
Then readjust the borescope elevation sighting.
(2) To lower the TSU LOS, sight through the
borescope and, using the roll adjustment screws, raise the
adjust the GUNNER AZ and EL potentiometers on the
sighting point the number of roils computed as the error.
HSS EIA until the TSU reticle crosshairs coincide with the
Then readjust the borescope elevation sighting.
TSU optics target crosshairs.
ab. Tighten the roll adjustment locking screws, view
al. As a final check, direct the LOD on the TSU to the
through the borescope, and adjust the LOD in azimuth and
three targets to recheck boresight readings at each one.
elevation until the borescope crosshairs coincide with the
crosshairs on the gunner's HSS target. Repeat steps t and w.
4-10. Boresighting Procedures (Pilot's Station).
Then repeat steps o through z until the roll plane is
"flattened" (elevation discrepancies on the left and right
Boresighting of the pilot's station will be done in the
targets have approximately the same value as shown in
same manner as that for the gunner's station with the
following exceptions: The ACQ TRK STOW switch (fig.
pressed in order to slave the TSU to the pilot's helmet
ac. Once the roll plane is "flattened," record the target
sight. Connect the shorting plug to 17P2. For HSS XM136,
elevation discrepancy. This value will be used during pitch
error corrections (see steps ag through ai).
5.5-degree position. Furthermore, do not move the LOD
aft 4 inches for any of the pilot's station checks. Adjust
ad. Reposition the LOD to the forwardmost point of
the PILOT AZ and EL potentiometers on the EIA and view
the gunner's rail, and tighten the T-bars.
the pilot's HSS target on the three targets.
ae. Repeat steps h, t, and u for the center target and
4-11. Post-Alignment and Post-Boresighting Procedures.
compare the value in step u with the value obtained in step
ac. If the total difference between these values exceeds 4
a. Remove borescope and TSU boresight device.
roils, make pitch corrections as given in steps af through ah.
b. Remove LOD from rails, insure that the rail clamp
af. Hold the ACQ TRK STOW switch to ACQ.
base is secured in the 0-degree position, and store the LOD
in the test set.
ag. The technician viewing through the TSU shall
inform the technician in the pilot's compartment of the
c. Place the linkage assembly connectors in the stow
correction to be made at the B1 resolver.
d. Return control switches to OFF or inactive positions.
discrepancy between the TSU crosshair and the TSU target
e. R e e n e r g i z e circuit breakers used.
crosshair is equal to the elevation discrepancy which was
recorded in step ac (see fig. 4-7, step C).
j. Remove 28-volt external power.
ai. Return the ACQ TRK STOW switch to STOW.
g. Install TSU fairing.
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