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TM 9-1270-212-14&P
construction cannot remove all amplitude and phase
represent the errors in azimuth and elevation between the
variations caused by fluctuations in temperature, especially
helmet line of sight (LOS) and the TSU line of sight or
the copper losses which occur as temperature rises,
turret gun line. The four resolvers accomplish this
T h e r e f o r e ,  t h e r e s o l v e r s i n  t h e linkages are
conversion by measuring the elevation and azimuth angular
winding-compensated resolvers. AS compared to a standard
position of the steel fastener on the end of the tubular arm
resolver, a winding-compensated resolver contains an
in relation to the helicopter armament-system axes.
auxiliary winding compensator inserted within the stator
slots. This winding, similar to the stator winding, effectively
(3) The resolvers in the linkage arm gimbals measure
adjusts output voltage so that it is almost in phase with
the azimuth angle and the elevation angle at each end of the
rotor voltage. Because primary copper-loss effects are
arm.  The  rails  must  be  properly  aligned  to  the
reflected equally to both compensator and rotor windings,
armament-system axes.
the complementary compensator-winding voltage remains
in phase despite frequency and temperature changes. In the
b. Simplified Block Analysis (fig. 1-8).
HSS, the compensator windings supply feedback voltages to
a dual-channel buffer amplifier. Unity gain from amplifier
(1) The diagmm shows a linkage (either one)
input to resolver output is achieved by selection of two
connected to the TSU and the turret. A pair of resolvers in
external resistors for each resolver. These resistors, located
the TSU and the turret, one attached to the elevation gear
in the linkage connector, are factory selected and must not
train and the other attached to the azimuth gear train,
be interchanged. Because compensator and rotor voltages
provide a three-signaI indication of where the TSU or turret
vary simiIarly when temperature and frequency change, the
is pointing. A 10-volt rms signal provides the resolver
feedback loops automatically adjust to compensate for
excitation reference. The three signals, which represent
these variations.
elevation and azimuth coordinates, are connected to
elevation resolver B1 and azimuth resoiver B2, both of
(2) A dual-channel buffer amplifier is associated with
which are on the carriage end of the linkage arm. The
each winding-compensated resolver, so that there are four
signals are transformed by this pair of resolvers and
buffer amplifiers for each linkage. The eight buffer
connected to azimuth resolver B3 and elevation resolver B4,
amplifiers are located in the EIA. (Refer to foldout FO-4 or
both of which are on the helmet end of the arm. The signals
FO-5, sheet 2.) Buffer amplifier A1, A3, A5, and A7 are
are again transformed by this pair of resolvers. The total
associated with the resolvers in the pilot linkage, and buffer
transformation is dependent on the positions of the four
ampiifiers A2, A4, A6, and A8, with the resolvers in the
resolvers. The original three-signal inputs, plus the
gunner linkage. The eight buffer amplifiers are identical and
arm-resolver transformations, produce three signals that
interchangeable. The pilot linkage is connected to EIA
represent the difference (or error) between the linkage
external connector J3, and the gunner linkage, through the
position and the turret or TSU position. These error signals
extension cable, to EIA external connector J4. Connectors
are directed back to the turret or TSU elevation and
J5 through J12 and XA9 through XA13 are internal to the
azimuth drive amplifiers, where the signals cause elevation
and azimuth movement until the error signals from the
linkage are nulled.
(2) The range component from a linkage connected.
The theory and connections provided in
to the TSU, which is available at winding R2 of resolver B4,
iS terminated in a 200K resistor, since the TSU is a
paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) apply to the pilot
linkages. Use the connector, pin designator, and
line-of-sight device. The range component from a linkage
reference designator to the right of each slash
c o n n e c t e d to the turret i  S terminated in a 200K
potentiometer, from which the gunner can select three
(/) in foldout FO-1 and apply the same theory
for the gunner linkages, omitting paragraph (5).
outputs, representing ranges of 500, 1000, and 1500
meters. The selected signal is routed to the turret elevation
drive circuit as a range correction signal.
(3) Refer to the linkage and EIA functional block
diagram (foldout FO-1) and read the notes. The position
inputs to J1-A, -B, and -C can be from the turret or the
c. Functional Block Analysis.
TSU. This discussion assumes the inputs are from the
turret. The three 400-Hz signals between 0 and 10 volts rms
(1) To obtain system accuracy, the transformation
ratio within the resolvers of the linkages must be kept
that represent the position of the turret are designated k, i,
uniform over the wide range of temperatures encountered
and j. The k signal represents the vertical, or elevation,
in military operating environments. Resolver design and
component; the j signal represents the wing, or left and

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