![]() TM 9-1240-369-34
Table 2-9. Troubleshooting of Laser Receiver-Transmitter
Rt-1021/VVG-1(A76) - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
Flashtube V1 does not flash.
Flashtube V1, transmitter
Install failed unit into hot mock-up.
A "3" is displayed on right hand
component assembly A76A3,
Perform portion of checkout (para 4-2a
RANGE (METERS) indicator
transmitter logic co mponent
or 4-2b) which will duplicate
(unit A79).
assembly A76A5, or A76 unit.
3. Replace flashtube V1 (para 3-12h).
4. Perform step 2. If malfunction is
corrected, continue with step 10.
If malfunction is not corrected continue
with step 5.
5. Replace A76A3 assembly (para 3-12g)
and install original flashtube in original
A76A3 assy.
6. Perform step 2. If malfunction is
corrected, perform step 10. If
malfunction is not corrected, perform
step 7.
The following step requires
measurement of dangerous potential
(+400 V). Exercise extreme caution
when taking this measurement.
7. Using multimeter, measure voltage at
pin 24 of A76A5 connector WIJ3. If
multimeter indicates + 400 V, perform
step 8. If multimeter does not indicate
+400 V, return A76 unit to depot for
8. Replace A76A5 assembly (para 3-12k) ,
and install original A76A3 assembly.
9. Perform step 2. If malfunction is
corrected, perform step 10. If
malfunction is not corrected, return A76
unit to depot for repair.
10. Perform receiver-transmitter unit
Receiver sensitivity is not within FN
current adjustment alinement
Receiver sensitivity is not within
PFN current adjustment:
Perform procedure in "Corrective
malfunction 3/buffer logic circuit
action" column for item No. 1.
card A76A1. PMT chassis
assembly A76A6, or flashtube V1.
PFN voltage control can not be
PFN current adjustment:
Perform procedure in "Corrective
malfunction 3/ buffer logic circuit
action" column for item No. 1.
card A76A1. PMT chassis
assembly A76A6, or flashtube V1.
Transmitter energy is not within
PFN current adjustment:
Perform procedure in "Corrective
malfunction 3/buffer logic circuit
action" column for item No. 1.
card A76A1. PMT chassis
assembly A76A6, or flashtube V1.
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