![]() (c) Rotate the disk until the two pencil
at 5 meters (50/10 = 5) when using the range
dots are over, or parallel to, the same vertical
scale along the index line. When the range scale
line, or are the same distance from the same ver-
to the left of the index line is used, the small-
tical line, with the dot representing the location
est grid graduation for range represents 100 me-
ters; therefore, count each lateral grid gradua-
o f the target (T) toward the vernier scale.
(d) Read the WT azimuth, at the index
tion as 10 meters (100/10 = 10).
mark on the base, as 5830 mils. The total number
2. Angles involved are more than 30
of meters between the pencil dots when this posi-
mils. Read the graduations on the mil scale as
printed (10 mils each) and count each lateral
tion (1400 meters above the horizontal OP line
g r i d graduation as either 50 or 100 meters,
passing through the pivot plus 50 meters below)
is the weapon-target (WT), range 1450 meters.
depending on the range scale used. Other types
of mil relationship may be similarly obtained.
b. Determination of WT Mil Values from the
(b) Procedure. To determine the deflec-
Azimuth Scale on the Azimuth Disk.
tion correction in meters, using the range scale
(1) Problem 1. Observation post at center
along the index line (where the smallest grid
(pivot point) of the disk.
graduation represents 50 meters), proceed as in-
Observer (0) to Target (T)
dicated in 1 and 2 below.
Azimuth 800 mils
1. Starting with the O (zero) on the mil
Distance 2500 meters
scale at the index mark and with the pivot point
Observer (0) to Weapon (W):
of the disk representing the observer's location
Azimuth 2500 mils
(OP), rotate the disk until 25 mils (250 mils,
Distance 1250 meters
see (a) (1) and (2) above) is read over the index
WT = 348 mils.
2. From the index line at the 400-meter
(2) Problem 2. Observation post at center
graduation, measure laterally (perpendicular to
(pivot point) of the disk.
the index line) to the black centerline on the
Observer (0) to Target (T):
disk (counting each small grid graduation as 5
Azimuth 5900 mils
meters (see (a) (1) and (2) above). Note that
Distance 3200 meters
this distance measures two small grid gradua-
Observer (0) to Weapon (W):
tions, or 10 meters. Since the burst was to the
Azimuth 3850 mils
left of the OT line, the deflection correction is
Distance 1050 meters
right 10 (meters).
WT = 6159 mils.
(2) Problem 2.
(3) Problem 3. Observation post at center
(a) Given. Computer in the FDC has plot-
(pivot point) of the disk.
ting board Ml? and is controlling the adjust-
Observer (0) to Target (T):
m e n t of the sheaf on the base point. Range
Azimuth 2510 mils
Weapon to Base Point: 1700 meters. Observed cor-
Distance 1400 meters
rection for one weapon: Right 10 (meters) (1)
Observer (0) to Weapon (W)
(b) 2 above). Deflection setting on weapon: Right
Azimuth 1310 mils
30, base stake.
Distance 1810 meters
(b) Procedure. To determine the deflec-
WT-2702 (as read on the azimuth scale
tion correction to be placed on the sight, pro-
having red numerals).
ceed as indicated in 1 through 4 below.
c. Resolution of Problems Involving Mil Rela-
1. Set the 0 (zero) on the mil scale at
the index mark. With the pivot point of the disk
(1) Problem 1.
r e p r e s e n t i n g the weapon position, locate the
(a) Given. Observer has plotting board
(weapon-base point
1700-meter graduation,
Ml7 and is adjusting the sheaf of the weapons
range) on the index line.
on the base point. Observer (O) to Base Point:
2. From the index line at the 1700-me-
Distance 400 meters. Burst from one weapon:
ter graduation, measure off laterally (perpendi-
25 mils to left of its proper place in the sheaf
cular and to the left of the index line) two small
(measured with binocular at OP).
grid graduations, or 10 meters, and mentally
1. Angles involved are less than 30 mils.
note this point (grid intersection) on the base.
For ease in reading and to increase accuracy,
3. Rotate the disk until the black cen-
count each 10-mil graduation of the mil scale
terline intersects this point (grid intersection)
as 1 mil (10/10 = 1). Therefore, count the small-
and read the angle at the index mark on the
est grid graduation for lateral measurements only
base, in this case 6 mils.
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