![]() TM 9-1005-301-30
Figure 3-18. Repairing fiber glass / plastic stocks with epoxy adhesive (M16, M16A1 Rifles).
b. Hand guards (M16 and M16A1 only)
distortion of the hand guard liner, it is advisable
containing punctures, dents, gouges and crushed areas
not to remove the damaged plastic prior to repair.
not exceeding two inches in length and /2 inch in
The hand guard will be repaired as follows:
diameter, at the widest point (fig 3-13), can be repaired
using epoxy adhesive and the same procedures as for
(1) Using a coarse emery paper or end of file,
the stock assembly. Hand guards badly damaged as
roughen the surface of damaged area and the interior of
indicated in figure 3-9 will be replaced.
hand guard, around damaged area.
Mix and apply
adhesive the same as for repair of stock assembly.
(2) Sand or file the filled area flush with
The hand guard does not have a foam filler
surrounding surface.
and in case of deep indentations not causing
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