1. INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS. This manual contains
aircraft basis) when inspections m ay be exceeded. For this
complete requirements for daily inspection for CH-47D helicopter.
purpose, operational em ergencies are conditions of com bat, or
It does not contain instructions for repair, adjustm ent, or other
conditions of disaster, which necessitate flight to evacuate aircraft
means of rectifying conditions, nor does it contain instructions
or personnel. When aircraft are operated beyond the normal
for troubleshooting to find causes for malfunctioning. Specific
inspection due-time because of such emergency situations,
tolerances, limits, etc. can be found in the applicable maintenance
a circled red "X" status symbol and an appropriate statement
manuals. Use of the alphabetical index in the applicable manuals
(to include authority) must be entered on DA Form 2408-13-1
will facilitate locating the required information.
(Aircraft Inspection and M aintenance Record) until such time as
the inspection is complete. Since safety may be jeopardized
2. SCOPE. The inspections prescribed by this manual will
when inspections are delayed to meet emergency requirements,
be accom plished by aviation unit m aintenance activities with
commander will assure that the aircraft status reverts to a red "X"
assistance of aviation interm ediate maintenance when required.
and that delayed inspections are accomplished immediately upon
termination of the actual emergency. When unusual local conditions
of environment, utilization, mission, experience of flight crew and
maintenance personnel, periods of inactivity, etc., are encountered
The inspection requirements contained herein are
stated in such a manner as to establish what equipment is to be
the maintenance officer will, at his discretion, increase the scope
and/or frequency of maintenance or inspections as necessary to
inspected and the conditions to be sought. Compliance with the
insure safe flight.
provisions outlined herein is required in order to assure that latent
defects are discovered and corrected before malfunctioning or
T his manual pertains to all CH-47D aircraft and may
serious trouble results. In order to arrange inspection requirements
therefore contain inspection requirements applicable to specific
as nearly as possible according to the manner in which work will
equipment not installed on individual aircraft. When this situation
be accomplished, the requirements in each area are divided into
is encountered, those requirements that are not applicable should
groups under area headings (See Figure 1). An area title indicates
be disregarded.
a specific aircraft location, which may be comprised of several
systems or groups of related components within this given area.
DA Form 2408-13-1 (Aircraft Inspection and
Maintenance Record) will be used to record all deficiencies or
The inspection designated herein will not be exceeded
shortcomings discovered during accomplishment of the daily
except in actual operational emergencies as explained herein. It
is the com mander's responsibility to determ ine (on an individual
TM 55-1520-240-PMD
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