TM 55-1520-238-S
i. Install Chains.
Install safety chains.
j. Lock Tail Wheel. Remove tail wheel lock
safety pin. Lift swivel lock lever to engage
As helicopter moves up the ramp
tail wheel swivel lock (fig. 214). Push
tail first, under-belly clearance is
wheel sideways to check lock engagement.
The first critical clearance encoun-
A locked tail wheel will not swivel.
tered will be the gun cage to ground
k. Remove Tail Wheel Steering Bar and
clearance as the tail of the helicop-
Winching Yoke. With tail wheel cen-
ter moves up the ramp. Adjust shor-
tered, loosen yoke studs from tail wheel
ing under main wheels as required
axle and remove yoke (fig. 214).
to maintain clearance.
The second critical clearance is the
l. Release Brakes. Instruct brakeman to
dopler antenna fairing to the ramp
release helicopter brakes and dismount he-
crest. Maintain clearance by raising
cargo aircraft ramp (after helicopter
main wheels are firmly on ramp).
239.2 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position two
g. Winch Helicopter. Winch helicopter
main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each on
onto approach shoring and up cargo ramp.
cargo floor under first helicopter.
Stop helicopter when the main wheels are
239.3 Load Second Helicopter Tail First.
firmly on the ramp. Raise ramp to allow
adequate ramp crest clearance. Continue
winching until the helicopter is in final posi-
a. Place Approach Shoring. Place the built
tion. (fig 242).
up shoring or the prefabricated ramps un-
der the ramp toes as shown for tail first
h. Apply Brakes. Apply helicopter brakes
load. Position secondary approach shoring
and place chocks.
ramps (fig. 241). Position roller tray shor-
i. Install Chains. Install safety chains.
ing (fig. 238).
k. Remove Tail Wheel Steering Bar and
l. Release Brakes. Instruct brakeman to
c. Install Tail Wheel Steering Bar In Winch-
release helicopter brakes and dismount he-
239.4 Load Four Main Rotor Blades. Position two
main rotor blade rack sets holding two blades each on
cargo floor under second helicopter.
239.5 Load Third Helicopter Tail First.
Tail wheel steering bar will be used to
a. Place Approach Shoring. Place the built
steer helicopter and to keep main and tail
up shoring or the prefabricated ramps un-
wheels on loading ramps.
der the ramp toes as shown for tail first
load. Position secondary approach shoring
d. Aline Helicopter at Shoring. Position
ramps (fig. 241). Position roller tray shor-
helicopter with main landing gear to aline
ing (fig. 238).
with approach shoring.
e. Connect Cargo Winch Cable to Helicop-
c. Install Tail Wheel Steering Bar In Winch-
ter. Cargo aircraft loadmaster will direct
coupling of the cargo aircraft winch cable to
the tail wheel winching yoke and take up
cable slack.
Tail wheel steering bar will be used to
steer helicopter and to keep main and tail
f. Assign Personnel. Assign loading team
wheels on loading ramps.
members to monitor ramp crest, overhead
and sidewall clearances, operate tail wheel
d. Align Helicopter at Shoring. Position
steering bar, and operate helicopter
helicopter main landing gear to aline with
approach shoring.
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