TM 55-1095-205-14
Section I.
7-2. Maximum Use of Railcar Capacity
7-1. Scope
Additional cargo, as approved by the activity of-
This chapter provides transportability guidance
fering the dispenser for transport, may be trans-
for rail movement of the mine dispenser. It covers
ported on a railcar with the dispenser, provided
significant technical and physical characteristics
the railcar weight and dimensional limitations
and safety considerations and also prescribes the
are not exceeded.
materials and guidance required to prepare, load,
and tiedown the dispenser on open top flatcars.
7-3. General
a flatcar width of 10 feet 6 inches. Figure 72 gives
detailed instructions for blocking and tiedown.
The transportability guidance contained in this
section is applicable when the dispenser is trans-
instructions for their application to secure the
ported on CONUS railways. Consideration is given
dispenser on general-purpose flatcars.
to movements on railcars normally used for this
type of equipment. When at a maximum width at
the top of 96 inches and a height of 102 inches,
A staggered nailing pattern should be used when
lumber or laminated lumber is nailed to the floor
the dispenser can be transported without restric-
of a railcar. The nailing pattern for an upper piece
tion and without sectionalization or major disas-
of lumber should be adjusted as required so that
a nail for that piece will not be driven into or
against a nail in the lower piece of lumber.
7-4. Preparation
7-6. Loading on Special-Purpose Flatcars
As a minimum, insure that all loose items are
removed or secured to prevent loss or damage in
a. The mine dispenser can be placed in the tie-
down position on a special-purpose flatcar by a
crane of adequate capacity (8-ton minimum), or
7-5. Loading on General-Purpose Flatcars
it may be towed onto the flatcar provided a suit-
able ramp or bridge is available.
a. The mine dispenser can be placed in the tie-
down position on a railcar by a crane of adequate
center-tiedown-rail-equipped flatcar. Table 73
capacity (8-ton minimum). Refer to chapter 6 for
provides guidance for the application of chain tie-
lifting guidance. The dispenser may be towed onto
downs (provided with flatcar) for securing the dis-
a railcar if suitable ramp or bridge is available.
penser on center-tiedown-rail-equipped flatcars.
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