TM 55-1095-205-14
1C-141A9, as applicable. The tiedown diagram
4-1. Scope
This chapter provides transportability guidance
able methods. Figure 4-1 shows a representative
for air movement of the mine dispenser. It covers
pattern. The exact placement of the dispenser in
significant technical and physical characteristics
the aircraft is dependent primarily upon the air-
and safety considerations and prescribes the ma-
craft-ready-for-loading weight and upon other
terials required to prepare, load, and unload the
cargo to be loaded. Since both factors are subject
mine dispenser as an internal load in the C-5,
to wide variances, the exact placement cannot be
C-130, and C-141 cargo aircraft.
shown in this manual and must be determined on
an individual load basis. Table 4-1 lists the tie-
4-2. Maximum Use of Aircraft Capacity
down devices required (provided aboard aircraft)
The load described in this chapter is not a maxi-
and the tiedown points on the mine dispenser.
mum aircraft load. Total cargo loads and oper-
Insure that tiedown devices are not attached to
ating ranges are subject to variables such as
the reach tube lunette but rather to the fixed
weather, airfield conditions, individual aircraft
lunette above the reach tube.
characteristics, and distance. General guidance
c. The mine dispenser may be loaded aboard
on total cargo loads and operating ranges is pro-
aircraft using a prime mover (preferably a truck
vided in TM 38-236/AFP 71-8. For specific guid-
with a front-mounted pintle). The dispenser should
ance, contact the nearest Military Airlift Com-
be backed onto the aircraft except when it is
mand (MAC) activity.
loaded over the aft ramp of the C-5; in this latter
case, the dispenser may be towed aboard front
4-3. Safety
first. When the dispenser has been positioned, the
Safety precautions are listed in chapter 3.
parking brake must be set. Place one piece of -
by 18- by 18-inch plywood shoring on the aircraft
4-4. Preparation of System
floor under each of the four dispenser-leveling
a. No special handling is required for transport
jacks. Rotate the leveling jacks to the vertical
of the mine dispenser in the C-5, C-130, and C-141
positions, and then lower the jacks until the jack
aircraft. It may be transported in its operational
pad is firmly in place in the center of the plywood
shoring. On the C-130 or C-141 aircraft, care must
b. Insure that the parking brake is serviceable
be exercised to insure that the jack pads and shor-
and that no rocks or stones are embedded in the
ing are located completely on the treadway areas
tire treads.
of the cargo floor. The leveling jacks are to be
c. The mine dispenser must be clean and free
used only to stablize the dispenser, not to bear
of dirt, grease, or other debris that could be dis-
the full weight of the dispenser.
lodged during loading, transport, or unloading.
Consult TM 38-250/AFR 71--4 to insure compat-
4-5. Transport by US Air Force Aircraft
ibility of any cargo being considered for loading
a. The aircraft commander, or designated rep-
and transport with the mine dispenser.
resentative, is responsible for insuring that the
4-6. Transport by US Army Aircraft
mine dispenser is loaded, properly secured, and
The mine dispenser exceeds size limitations for
unloaded in accordance with section IV of TO
internal transport by US Army fixed- or rotary-
1C-130A9, or TO 1C-141A9, as applicable.
wing aircraft. The dispenser is within the weight
b. Restraint factors (g loads) for minimum ac-
limitations for external lift by the CH-47 and
ceptable conditions specified for crew safety in the
CH54 helicopters. Rigging instructions for ex-
event of a controlled emergency landing are spec-
ternal loads are contained in TM 55-450-19.
ified in TO 1C-5A9, TO lC-130A-9, and TO
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