![]() TM 5-6640-214-14
c. Preventive Maintenance.
(1) Balances. Do not attempt other than minor adjustment and cleaning of balances. Inaccurate or defective
balances should be replaced or turned in for repair to higher echelon.
(2) Foam-test apparatus. Clean and dry equipment after use. Check to make sure that electrical connections
are tight.
The bookcase and books are normally stored in the tetraethyl lead and sulfur determination apparatus cabinet (Unit No.
8). When the laboratory is set up, the bookcase is removed from cabinet in which it is stored and is mounted on top of
the balance cabinet. For list of books contained in bookcase, refer to Appendix D.
a. Component Parts. The sink cabinet (fig. 2-20), includes a stainless steel sink, drainpipe, backsplash pipe rack,
and miscellaneous equipment.
b. Operation.
(1) When sink cabinet has been positioned and pipe rack raised, connect the sink drain to laboratory drain by
means of a 1-inch flexible metal hose.
(2) Remove backsplash from stored position in cabinet and mount at rear of top of cabinet.
(3) For description of operating and testing procedures for the miscellaneous equipment, refer to appropriate
testing methods in the test references.
c. Preventive Maintenance. Preventive maintenance of the sink and cabinet consists of cleaning. The majority of
the miscellaneous items contained in the sink cabinet are precision instruments which require replacement or repair by
higher echelons when defective, damaged or broken.
a. Component Parts. The oxidation stability cabinet (fig. 2-21) contains a complete oxidation stability of gasoline
apparatus consisting of a 2-hole bath with 115-volt, alternating current, heater; two 2-pen type pressure recording gages,
one mounted on hinged cover at left top of the cabinet, and the other mounted on rear of door in the center of the
cabinet; condensers for bath; oxidation stability bombs; bomb socket and wrench for tightening bomb covers; recording
paper and ink; and copper and rubber tubing for assembling apparatus.
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