TM 5-6640-214-14
(2) Penetrometer.
(a) Lubricating. Lubricate stem, adjusting and locking screws, depth gage and needle gears, and clutch
mechanism as often as required, using light lubricating oil (LO).
(b) Cleaning. Remove test product with solvent. Air-dry or wipe dry with clean, lintless cloth. Use mild
soap-and-water solution if necessary, and dry thoroughly to prevent rust.
Most cleaning solvents are hazardous. Avoid prolonged skin contact and breathing of vapors.
Check container label for warnings.
a. Component Parts. The gum apparatus cabinet (fig. 2-16) consists of a stability gum bath, and a gum bath,
copper dish method, mounted on the top of the elevating platform. Drum sampling thiefs are mounted on the rear of the
left door. The two drawers of the cabinet contain miscellaneous gaging and testing equipment.
b. Operation. Before any testing procedures are begun with this cabinet, a fume hood (para 2-22) must be mounted
on the top.
(1) Stability Gum Bath.
The bath must have other equipment connected to it before starting testing
(a) Connect bath heater electric cord to cabinet electric outlet; fill bath to proper level with proper fluid,
and place beakers containing gasoline in bath openings.
(b) Connect conical adapters; connect reflux condenser, and connect flowmeter to bath and air supply.
(c) Turn bath heater switch to desired position; regulate flow of air to adapters, and turn on water to
reflux condensers.
(d) For detailed descriptions on setting up the apparatus, and for information on test procedures, refer to
applicable petroleum testing references. All equipment for the apparatus, other than bath equipment, is located in gum
apparatus cabinet or other cabinet drawers.
(2) Gum Bath, Copper Dish Method.
(a) Fill bath to desired level with liquid, and place copper dish containing sample in bath opening.
(b) Connect heater electric cord to outlet, and set temperature control knob at desired setting.
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