![]() TM 5-6640-213-14
Handle gas cylinders under high pressure cautiously;
do not drop them on the ground or floor. Store gas
cylinders away from sources of heat. Support or
check gas cylinders to keep them from falling or
rolling. Assure that protective caps are kept in
place when cylinders are not in use. Never use
grease or oil !on gas cylinder valves or on pressure
regulators. Gas cylinders must be chained to prevent
them from falling.
(i) Equipment Under Pressure of Vacuum.
Do not exceed the pressure or temperature designated
as the safe upper limits for equipment used in a
test or other operation. Periodically check all
metal, rubber, or plastic tubing used in operations
involving pressure or vacuum to be sure that the
tubing has not become faulty. Replace defective
Release pressure cautiously when venting vessels
under pressure.
Wear goggles when opening air valves.
Make sure that proper shielding is provided when
using vacuum apparatus made of glass.
(6) Handling and Using Equipment.
(a) Glassware.
1. Keep glassware used in testing clean. Wash
the apparatus with solvent, soapy water, cleaning solution if neces-
sary, tap water and distilled water, and then allow to drain dry.
Rinse with acetone to fasten drying.
2. Make sure that the stopcock of glassware pre-
pared for storage is free of grease. Store Teflon stopcocks, or
their equivalent, loosely in the barrel and also keep free of grease.
Glass. stopcocks and stoppers should be wrapped with a strip of paper
prior to inserting into the barrel to prevent the surfaces from
fusing together.
(b) Crucibles. Mark crucibles permanently with ink
manufactured for this prupose. India ink or pencil markings cannot
be used because they cannot withstand the high temperature that
crucibles may be exposed to.
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