TM 5-6640-213-14
(b) Operating Instructions.
Never turn on the switch unless the bath is filled
with water, the heaters will burn out if they are
not immersed.
Fill the bath and check and calibrate the
thermoregulator in accordance with before-service maintenance in
outlet. Turn on the line switch to energize the heater and stirrer-
motor circuit.
2. Watch the pilot light, which indicates when
heater is on. The light stays lit until the bath reaches 100 degrees
F (37.9 degrees C). The thermo-regulator then controls the heater,
as necessary, to maintain bath temperature at 98 degrees F to 102
degrees F (36.7 degrees C to 39 degrees C).
Proceed with test in accordance with ASTM
D-323 .
(4) Manometer.
(a) Description.
The manometer (fig. 2-9) is mounted on the
left-hand wall in the corner to the right of the sink. The manometer
is the primary basic standard of pressure measurement. It is used in
the laboratory to calibrate the Reid vapor pressure gages.
2. The manometer consists of a glass column
support within a frame and connected at the bottom by a U-shaped tube
to the manometer fluid reservoir. It has a duplex-type scale cali-
brated in inches and tenths on the left side of the tube and in
pounds and tenths, using mercury, on the right side. It is also
equipped with a high-pressure connection, low-pressure connection,
fill plug, drain plug, vent plug and a zero-scale adjustment knob.
To measure pressure higher than atmospheric,
connect line to the high-pressure connection on the fluid reservoir.
2. To measure vacuum, connect line to the low-
pressure connection at top of indicating column.
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