![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
Mod II Modem
Board Type:
Part Number:
Firmware Information:
Firmware Classification:
Unpopulated Locations: NONE
Configuration Settings:
J1-3 to J1-7 (Mode Control, Bell 202 1200 Baud, Half Duplex)
J1-7 to J1-8 (Phone Line Equalization as Required)
J2-2 to J2-3 (2 Wire Communications Points 6&7 = RX/TX No Polarity)
(J2-1 to J2-3 = 4 Wire Points 6&7 = TX pair, Points 9&10 RX pair)
NOTE: Level Adjustments are: R18 for TX, R10 for RX
The difference between the early and new art work on the Mod 2 Modem is on the
early version J1 has 24 pins and J2 has 10 pins. On the new version the first 24
pins are broken into 3 blocks of 8; called:
J1 1-8
J2 1-8
J3 1-8
The last 10 pins are now called:
J4 1-10
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