![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
(8) The Video Synchronization Distribution Amplifier. (Optional) The video synchronization distribution
amplifier is a regenerative amplifier that distributes a synchronization signal input to video cameras where
camera synchronization is required.
(9) Character Generator. Video annotation equipment generates alphanumeric characters for inclusion in the
video signal presented to the monitors. The annotation is programmable for each video source. Annotation to
be generated includes individual video source identification, time (hour, minute and second) in a 24 hour format,
date (year, month and day), and a unique user-defined title with at least 8 characters. Programmed annotation is
retained in memory in the event of alternating current power loss.
(10) Video Storage Units. The video cassette recorder (VCR) is specifically designed as a time lapse recorder
for use in security systems. It is capable of recording for 720 hours or more on a single cassette tape with at
least 6 user selectable time-lapse record speeds. It has a contact closure alarm signal input provided by the
ICIDS Primary Monitor Console which automatically switches the recorder into standard record when an alarm is
received. The alarm event record time is selectable for up to 3 minutes of automatic recording. Playback
functions include: alarm, fast forward, search, fast rewind search, rewind/fast forward, play, slow motion or step
field/frame, and pause/still. A nine-inch monochrome video monitor is available for playback viewing.
(11) Fiber Optic Hardwire Interface. The fiber optic hardwire interface is required to convert from a fiber optic
video transmission medium to a hardwire transmission medium for the video switcher input.
g. Uninterruptible Power Supply. The PMC includes a 120/208/240 vac, 60 Hz, or 240 vac 50 Hz switchable UPS
that converts facility power at the level required by the PMC. It provides battery backup capable of supplying power to
the PMC during facility power interruption for at least 6 hours. The UPS automatically switches to backup power upon
loss of primary power, and reverts when the primary power returns, without interruption or degradation to the functioning
of the PMC.
h. Entry Control Equipment (ECE). (See Figure 1-29.) The ECE is optional equipment that may consist of an
Intelligent Access Controller, Key Pad entry controller, Card Reader or a combination Key Pad/Card Reader.
The Intelligent Access Controller automatically unlocks doors and gateways (or portals) when authorized personnel wish
to enter or leave a particular area. ICIDS can incorporate two types of access control devices. The first is the access
reader and is normally mounted on a wall adjacent to each portal. Personnel are each issued a plastic identity card or
similar identification medium, which they present to an access reader each time they wish to enter and/or leave a
protected area. Details of each access are recorded and all attempted breaches in security are reported to operators by
system alarm messages, each accompanied by an audible warning.
Messaging lets operators direct brief messages to individuals or groups of employees through liquid crystal displays
(LCDs), mounted on the access readers/cipher units. It can be used to send two messages to each individual, and to
send broadcast messages to personnel when they use their cards and/or enter their assigned PIN number.
(1) Key pad. The second type of access control device is called a Cipher and incorporates a keypad which
personnel use to enter 4 digit personal identification numbers (PINs). It can operate as either a stand-alone unit,
where the entry of a valid PIN unlocks the portal, or may be linked to an access reader so that access is only
granted when both a valid card has been presented and a valid PIN is then entered. Each person is allowed up
to three attempts to enter the correct PIN, after which the system reports details of the incident to the control
center by means of a system alarm.
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