![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
feet wide and 3.3 feet high and is determined by the distance the cables are placed to one another. The
maximum zone length is 500 feet per zone and the maximum sensor cable length to include feed-in coax cable in
each line is not to exceed 600 feet. In a multi-zone system, the linked zones are phased and frequency locked to
each other, with the failure of any zone not affecting the operation of the adjacent zones. Any disturbances of the
field, caused by an intruder, are detected and produce an alarm.
Short Ported Coaxial Cable Sensor (SPCCS) - Operates similar to the PCCS, except the sensor consists of two
125 meter lengths of cable pairs. Same as PCCS except the cables are of a shorter pre-determined length.
Strain Sensitive Cable Fence Sensor (SSCFS) - A versatile fence security system that can provide security for up
to 1000 feet of sensor cable. The system is easily installed and works on most fence types; chain link, wrought
iron, and concrete walls, on fences 5 to 35 feet high. The SSCFS has a solid state digital processor, and has
lightening, EMI, and RF protection. It also uses linear coaxial cable for equal sensitivity over the entire zone
length. Sensors can be mounted up to 35 feet apart with a total of 100 sensors per zone. The sensor, a
piezoelectric detection circuit, is triggered by any attempt to cut, climb, or lift fence. An alarm will be generated
when the lines are cut or shorted.
g. Audio Assessment Devices (AADs). The Audio Assessment Unit and Intercom equipment at the PMC provides a
telephone line switcher large enough to accommodate 512 single pair lines. This switcher will select the desired line
either by local or computer control. The normal mode will be the Audio Assessment mode and the unit will provide the
selected line with amplification and connection to the operator listen/talk device. The desired line can be selected from
the keyboard. This will normally be done after an alarm has been received from an area and it is desired to listen to the
alarmed area microphones for evaluation of the alarm.
Designed To Provide Surveillance And Assessment Capability In Remote Area Protected By ICIDS
Up To 264 Zones
Up To 10 Sensor/Zones
PMC Audio Module - Allows for voice communications from the PMC operator to the RADC area maintenance
Audio Switch Controller - Automatically opens the audio line to the alarm intrusion area. Also allows for manual
selection of any one of the 512 audio lines.
16 Line Audio Communication Switcher - The audio switcher will select the desired audio line associated with an
alarmed RADC automatically via the control computer. The workstation operator can switch between the
microphone listening devices and the intercom phone, via the audio switching matrix.
Audio Assessment Device - Allows for up to 10 microphone connections and an intercom device connection for
communications to and from the PMC.
Audio Assessment Devices (Microphones) - The audio assessment device (AAD) provides assessment capability in
remote areas protected by ICIDS. Upon activation of an intrusion alarm in a remote area, audio information from
microphones installed in the area is automatically presented
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