![]() TM 5-6350-275-24&P
Intelligent Access Controller (IAC) - Contains the software that is responsible for entry/exit validation. The IAC
always interfaces with the STARGATE 5000 Printed Wiring Assembly.
Key pad - Contains, in addition to the key pad, a liquid crystal display (LCD).
Starlink keypad - The Starlink Keypad has a 4x4 numeric/character keypad and a liquid crystal display (LCD).
Card reader - Is a magnetic stripe reader. The card reader may also be interfaced with the Intelligent Access Unit
(IAU) key pad.
Combination key pad/card reader - Is a combination of the key pad and card reader stated above, but requires the
use of a valid Personal Identification Number (PIN) and a magnetic card before entry verification is allowed.
Intelligent Access Controller (IAC) - Up to 16 IACs and 31 doors can be supported by each STARGATE 5000 RADC
via a single RS-485 cable connected to the AUX 1 port. The IAC can act as a stand alone unit in the event
communications is lost with the RADC and allow entry and exit to the designated area. The IAC can store up to 2000
access tag records, providing fast response times independent of traffic. The IAC provides inputs for door status,
request to exit, four aux alarms, and tamper. Outputs are provided for door strike, entry request bell, alarm output,
and aux output. The IAC is housed in a tamper protected enclosure. The IAC contains two RS232 Ports to IAUs,
which may be mounted up to 50 feet from the IAC. In a standalone operation mode, the IAC is configurable for;
2000 card IDs, door open time-out, door strike active time, "welcome" messages details and flip time, duress
initiation conditions, alarm arming code, number of PIN attempts, number of swipe attempts, clippers, time and date,
and password protection. Each IAC is provided with its own 12 vdc, 6 amp hr. battery that provides power for the
unit if commercial power is lost.
Key pad - The Intelligent Access Unit (IAU) has a 4x4 numeric/character key pad and is configurable for PINs
having up to 4 digits. The IAU communicates with the IAC over a serial data link with the following options; PIN
only or PIN plus magnetic swipe. The LCD display provides requested prompts and clarifies entry denial (e.g., NO
PIN ENTERED). The IAU LCD can also be used to display a message to a specified requester. This information
would be entered by the operator at the PMC and downloaded to the RADCs. The message would then be flagged
the next time the addressee requested an entry. The IAU and key pad can be provided for surface or flush
mounting when used as a sole entry device. When used in conjunction with a card reader, it is provided with its
own integrated surface mounting enclosure.
Starlink keypad - The Starlink Keypad is configured to use a six (6) digit access number called a Personal
Identification Code (PIC). It operates as an access/secure initiating device for specific alarm zones of the
STARGATE remotes. In addition, it can be used to review the status of the sensors within the zone, extend the
normal working hours of the zone, and initiate duress codes and sensor tests.
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