TM 5-6350-275-10
F2 - [CLEAR] (clear an alarm)
F3 - [DEFER] (defer an alarm)
Press the F1 [SINGLE] key. The system selects the queue with the highest priority alarm. Press [NEXT]
if you want to select another queue, or press [GO] to execute the command.
b. Process All Alarms.
Refer to figure E-2, Displaying Alarms.
Press F5 [DISPQ] key from the main menu.
Press F4 [PRIOR]
Press F6 [ACKED] and/or
Press F7 [UNACKED] and/or
Press F8 [DEFER]
Press the [NEXT] key to select the desired queue.
Press [GO] and the desired list of alarms is displayed.
Refer to figure E-1, Alarm Processing.
Press the F1 [ALARM] key from the main menu.
Select the process to be undertaken by pressing:
F1 - [ACKALM] (acknowledge an alarm)
F2 - [CLEAR] (clear an alarm)
F3 - [DEFER] (defer an alarm)
Press the F2 [ALL] key, use the up and down arrow keys to place the cursor on the display
screen and press [GO] to execute the command..
a. Controlling A Device Using A Graphic, For example A Microphone, Portal Lock, etc.
Refer to figure E-3, Graphics, Events and Trends.
(a) Press the F4 [PICT] key from the main menu.
(b) Press the F4 key [LIST].
Select F4 [RESIDT] or F5 [AVAIL]. Use the up and down arrow keys to select a graphic with a
controllable device.
(d) Press [GO] to display the graphic.
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