![]() TM 5-6350-275-10
Figure 2-39. Modify Access Level
1 - Indicating a single zone (zone 1).
1..10 - Indication a range of zones (zones 1 through 10).
1, 2, 4 - Indicating a list of zones
*- Indicating all zones within the system.
-7 - Indicating that zone 7 is excluded
(4) Accessible Times. Enter times, days, date, months, and years when holders are allowed entry to a
specified zone. Data may be entered in the following formats:
* - Indicates all time periods.
08:00..16:30 - Indicates a range of time (08:00 to 16:30).
Mon..Fri - Indicates a range of days (Monday through Friday).
Mon - Indicates a single day.
01.31 - Indicates a range of dates (1 through 31).
15 - Indicates a single day.
Jan..Dec - Indicates a range of months (Jan through Dec).
Jan - Indicates a single month
1992..2000 - Indicates a range of years (1992 through 2000)
1993 - Indicates a single year
Example: 08:00..16:30 Mon..Fri 01..31, Jan..Dec 1993
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