![]() TM 5-6350-275-10
2-2. INTRODUCTION . This section describes preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) which must be
performed by operators to maintain the ICIDS in operational condition. Operator preventive maintenance includes
cleaning and inspection procedures. Such procedures are performed regularly to detect conditions which might cause
the performance of the equipment to deteriorate or cause equipment failure. You should notify the appropriate
maintenance level if such conditions are identified.
a. General. The PMCS table has been provided so you can keep your equipment in good operating condition and
ready for its primary mission.
b. Warnings and Cautions. Always observe the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS appearing in your PMCS table.
Observe these WARNINGS and CAUTIONS to prevent serious injury to yourself and others or prevent your equipment
from being damaged.
c. Explanation of Table Entries.
(1) Item Number Column. Numbers in this column are for reference. When completing DA Form 2404
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), include the item number for the check/service indicating a fault.
(2) Interval Column. This column tells you when you must do the procedure in the procedure column (see note
(3) Location, Check/Service Column. This column provides the location and the item to be checked or serviced.
(4) Procedure Column. This column gives the procedure you must do to check or service the item listed in the
Check/Service column to know if the equipment is ready or available for its intended mission or for operation. You must
do the procedure at the time stated in the interval column.
(5) Not Fully Mission Capable If: Column. Information in this column tells you what faults will keep your
equipment from being capable of performing its primary mission. If you make checks and service procedures that show
faults listed in this column, do not operate the equipment. Follow standard operating procedures for maintaining the
equipment or reporting equipment failure.
2-3. EQUIPMENT ILLUSTRATIONS. Figure 2-15 illustrates the equipment and routing diagram showing the order by
which checks and services are performed.
If the equipment must be kept in continuous operation, do only the procedures that
can be done without disturbing operation. Make complete checks and services
when the equipment is shut down.
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