![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-8
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-09A/E121 SA-1954
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-8
(8) In the Special Tools List section, the basis of issue (BOI) appears as the last line(s) in the entry for each special
tool, special TMDE, and other special support equipment. When density of equipments supported exceeds density
spread indicated in the basis of issue, the total authorization is increased proportionately.
g. U/M (Column (7)). The Unit of Measure (U/M) indicates the measure (e.g., foot, gallon, pound) or count (e.g.,
each, dozen, gross) of a listed item. A two-character alpha code (e.g., FT, GL, LB, EA, DZ, GR) appears in this column
to indicate the measure or count. If the U/M code appearing in this column differs from the Unit of Issue (U/I) code listed
in the Army Master Data File (AMDF), request the lowest U/I that will satisfy your needs.
h. QTY INC IN UNIT (Column (8)). The Quantity Incorporated in 'Unit (QTY INC IN UNIT) indicates the quantity of
the item used in the breakout shown on the illustration figure, which is prepared for a functional group, subfunctional
group, or an assembly. A "V" appearing in this column in lieu of a quantity indicates that no specific quantity is applicable
(e.g., shims, spacers).
4. Special Information. (Not applicable).
5. How to Locate Repair Parts.
a. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Not Known:
(1) First. Using the table of contents, determine the functional group or subfunctional group to which the item
belongs. This is necessary since figures are prepared for functional groups and subfunctional groups, and listing are
divided into the same groups.
(2) Second. Find the figure covering the functional group or subfunctional group to which the item belongs.
(3) Third. Identify the item on the figure and note the item number of the item.
(4) Fourth. Refer to the Repair Parts List for the figure to find the line item entry for the item number noted on the
b. When National Stock Number or Part Number is Known:
(1) First. Using the Index of National Stock Numbers and Part Numbers, find the pertinent National stock number
or part number. The NSN index is in National Item Identification Number (NIIN)* sequence. The part numbers in the Part
Number index are listed in ascending alphanumeric sequence. Both indexes cross-reference you to the illustration figure
and item number of the item you are looking for.
*The NIIN consists of the last 9 digits of the NSN (i.e., 5305-01-674-1467).
(2) Second. After finding the figure and item number, verify that the item is the one you're looking for, then locate
the item number in the repair parts list for the figure.
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