![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-8
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-090/E121 SA-1954
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-8
Table 5-1 Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
4. (cont)
c. (cont)
Put lock washer and nut on switch
and tighten nut to secure switch.
Use screws to secure switch mount-
ing bracket and ground lug to com-
ponent mounting plate. Connect
switch wires to TB1-5 and TB1-6.
d. Loose intercon-
Ensure that all wire and conduit connec-
necting wiring.
tions are clean and tight.
5. No visual indica-
Bad LED or PC board.
tion of alarm.
When power is on, do NOT short
test points to chassis or other test
points, or damage may result.
Before troubleshooting the LAS, re-
move all components from chassis as
follows: Tag and disconnect wires
from TB1. Insulate wires removed
from TBI-1, TB1-6 and TB1-7. Re-
move the nut and lock washer from
switch S1, and push the switch into
the chassis. Push the LED into the
chassis. Remove component mount-
ing plate screws. Remove plate and
and all components from chassis.
Connect patch cable between wire
removed from TB1-7 and terminal
TB1-7. Connect patch cable be-
tween wire removed from TB1-8 and
terminal TB1-8. Remove screws secur-
ing PC board assembly. Remove screws
securing reset switch (S2). Move these
two parts aside to provide working
a. Operate duress switch (S1), and then
reset switch (S2). The LED should
go on when SI is operated and go off
when S2 is operated.
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