![]() TM5-6350-264-14&P-6
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-1/E121 DT-545
TO 31S9-2FSS9-1-6
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. (cont)
d. Bad pry-off
a. Loosen screws that secure chassis to mount-
alarm switch.
ing surface. Hold TAS plunger down
with a piece of tape. Disconnect wire
between TB1-6 and conduit entrance
hole from TB1-6. Set multimeter to
ohms and connect leads to TB1-5 and
6. Meter should indicate less than 2 ohms.
Slowly move chassis away from mounting
surface. After a movement of less than
1/4 inch (0.635 cm), meter should indi-
cate over 100, 000 ohms.
b. If the pry-off alarm switch checks bad,
replace it.
(1) To remove pry-off alarm switch, use
soldering iron of 50 watts maximum
to remove wires from switch termi-
nals. Remove screws that secure chas-
sis to mounting surface. Remove
switch retaining nut and lock washer
from rear side of chassis. Remove
(2) To install new pry-off alarm switch, set
multimeter to ohms and check switch
terminals. Meter should indicate 0
ohms with switch depressed and in-
finity with switch released. Use a
soldering iron of 50 watts maximum
to solder wires to new switch. Insert
new switch through hole in rear panel,
and secure switch with lock washer
and nut from rear of panel.
2. No alarm.
a. Terminal jumper
Visually inspect jumper links. Ensure that
links installed
there are jumper links from TB1-2 to
TB1-3 and from TB1-4 to TB1-5.
b. Bad tamper alarm
a. Disconnect wire between TB1-6 and conduit
switch (TAS).
entrance hole from TB1-6. Set multi-
meter to ohms and connect leads to TB1-5
and 6. Use a straightedge across chassis
to depress TAS plunger. Meter should
indicate less than 2 ohms resistance. Slow-
ly raise the straightedge. After the plung-
er moves 1/4 inch (0.635 cm) or less, the
meter should indicate over 100, 000 ohms.
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