![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-4
NAVELEX EE 181-AA-OMI-050/E121 DT546-M9442
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-4
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
3. (cont)
h. (cont)
leads to the marked terminals
on the board. Adjust gain con-
trol per instructions per TM 5-
i. Loose interconnect-
Ensure that all conduit and wire con-
ing wiring.
nections are tight.
4. No alarms.
a. Bad Processor
a. Disconnect wire from TB1-1. Set
Detector PC
meter to ohms and connect leads to
TB1-1 and TB1-2. Meter should
indicate 2,000 ohms or less. Dis-
connect wire from TB1-7. Meter
indication should change to over
100, 000 ohms.
b. Connect wire to TB1-7, set multi-
meter to dc volts. Connect positive
meter lead to TP MV and negative
meter lead to TP GND. Meter
should indicate 0 Vdc. Tap conduit
or mounting surface next to Detec-
tor. After each series of taps, meter
should indicate about 11 3 Vdc and
then return to 0.
c. If the resistance indications are incor-
rect or if the voltage indications at
TP MV/TP GND are incorrect for
all Detectors, replace the Processor
PC board. If the voltage indications
at TP MV/TP GND are correct for
some Detectors and incorrect for
others, replace the PC board(s) in
the Detector(s) that give incorrect
(1) To remove Processor PC board,
tag and disconnect wires from
TB1 and TB2. Remove screws
that secure PC board to chassis.
Lift PC board out of chassis.
(2) To install new PC board, orient
board so the terminal strips are
adjacent to conduit entrance
holes. Secure the PC board to
chassis with screws. Connect
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