![]() TM 5-6350-264-14&P-2
NAVELEX EE181-AA-OMI-030/E121 RT1161 M9443
T.O. 31S9-2FSS9-1-2
Table 5-1. Troubleshooting Procedures - Continued
Probable cause
Corrective action
1. (cont)
b. Open or damaged cover
Check all chassis. Make certain that
on one or more
all covers are straight, flat, and
tightly closed. Inspect for any
debris between the cover and chassis
that would interfere with complete
c. Open wire in tamper
a. Check interconnecting wiring between
alarm circuit.
Processor and Transceiver. Discon-
nect wires from TB1-4 and TB1-6
in Processor and from TB1-5 and
TB1-6 in the Receiver. Ground
wires at one end of the conduit. At
the other end use the multimeter
set on ohms to read between the
wire and conduit. A low or zero
indication means a good wire; an
indication of infinity means an open
b. If an open wire is found in the tamper
alarm circuit, replace the wire.
d. Bad tamper alarm
a. Check all tamper alarm switches (TAS).
switch in one or
Tap each cover to ensure no switch
more chassis.
contacts are floating and causing
alarms. Open the Processor chassis
cover. Pull the TAS plunger all the
way out. Disconnect wire from.
TB1-2. Set multimeter to ohms and
connect leads to TB1-5 and TB1-6.
With all Transceiver covers closed,
meter should indicate 2,000 ohms or
less. Slowly open the first Trans-
ceiver chassis cover. After a move-
ment of less than 1/4 inch (0.635
cm) and while cover flanges are still
engaged, the meter indication should
change to over 100,000 ohms. Re-
move cover. Pull the TAS plunger
all the way out; the resistance
indication should drop to its former
level. Repeat the test on remaining
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