TM 5-6350-262-14/9
NAVELEX 0967-466-9090
TO 31S9-4-32-1
by the output amplifier for use outside the unit and the
Logic Circuits (Alarm and Status Modules)
lamp driver is made to flash the alarm lamps.
See figures 6-1 and 6-2.
When the RESET/ACK switch is
An alarm condition is represented by a
momentarily depressed to ACK, the set/reset latch B is
high impedance of 100K ohms or more and a no-alarm
reset and disables the audible signal buss and stops the
condition by a low impedance of 2K ohms or less.
oscillator. The oscillator and output amplifier outputs
When an alarm condition is sensed by the impedance
are steady lows and the lamp driver and alarm lamps
detector, the output of the detector sets the two set/reset
are constantly on. This condition remains until the
latches to activate the audible signal buss and turns the
alarm condition no longer exists and a reset is made.
4 Hz oscillator on. The oscillator output is reproduced
Change 1 6-3
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