TM 5-6350-262-14/7/NAVELEX 0967-466-9070/TO 31S9-4-28-1
model or models produce or modified will be covered by
changes to this manual
1-11. Tabulated Data.
Weight ....................................pounds, (1.36 KILOS)
Dimensions (overall):
Height ..............................8125 inches, (9.85 cm)
Width ................................8. 0625 inches, (20.3 cm)
Length............................... 8.0625 inches, (20.3 cm)
Housing ..........................Cray pert Federal
Std 595, color
chip 26492.
Lettering ...........................Black per TT I-558.
Power equipment ...................19 to 21 V dc.
supplied by Alarm
Figure 1-1. Latching alarm switch SA-1954( )/FSS-9(v)
Set Control Unit
C-9412( )/FSS-9(V).
1-9. Description.
Environmental (operating):
The alarm switch consists of a small metal housing
Temperature range
- 20 F to + 1:50 F (-29C
which contains three push button switches, a magnetic
to +63C
latching relay, indicator light, and associated mounting
Humidity ...........................up to 9.5 percent relative
and wiring hardware. The housing cover serves a bi-
function. It provides protection for components within the
Environmental (non-operating):
housing and serves as a protection shroud for the alarm
Temperature range ..........- 30 F to + 165 F (-34C to
switch actuating plate. A hole through the housing side
wall provides access for rigid conduit and system
Humidity ...........................up to 95 percent relative
interconnect wiring.
Shock ..............................20 g for 11 ms and bench
1-10. Difference Between Models.
This manual applies to alarm switches which bear serial
Vibration ...........................withstand transportation
number 00001 and succeeding numbers. All such alarm
switches are physically and functionally identical, and
component parts are interchangeable. Any subsequent
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