![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-LP-466-9053
TO 31S9-4-38-1 Chg 3
(30) On newly installed equipment, place POWER
(10) Disconnect sensor intrusion alarm input wire
switch to OFF.
or jumper wire, as applicable, from terminal I of terminal
board E. Start stopwatch simultaneously with wire removal.
7-22.1 Maintenance of Batteries
(11) Observe TS352B VOM.
When voltage
indication drops to approximately 0.5 volt, stop stopwatch.
a. Description. The Control Unit contains I t chargeable
lead acid battery,; it is a 24-volt device with a 20 ampere-hour
Time on stopwatch indicates entrance time
capacity. Although the battery (contains wet cells, it is of the
scaled maintenance free type (no liquid maintenance
(12) If the entrance time delay is satisfactory,
required.) Internal low pressure: (2 psi) vent caps are provided
record time delay for future reference and proceed to step (17)
for each cell to minimize the probability of electrolyte leakage
to check or adjust exit time delay.
during shipment and handling.
(13) Reconnect wire which was disconnected in
b. Battery Storage and Recharging.
step (10). Do not tighten screw.
(14) Turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET
(1) Since the battery is of the lead acid type, it
then to SECURE.
has a limited shelf life and requires recharging at periodic
(15) To adjust entrance time delay, rotate
intervals when in storage. If a spare Control Unit is available,
potentiometer A10R8 (fig. 7-2) clockwise to increase time
it may be utilized to periodically recharge stored batteries in
accordance with the instructions in d below. If no spare
(16) Repeat (10), (11), (13), (14), and (15) above
Control Unit is available then the recharging instructions given
until desired entrance time delay is achieved. Record time
in e below should be followed.
delay for future reference.
(2) At storage temperatures of 70-75 F.(21.1C-
23.88C.), the batteries will require recharging at intervals no
longer than 6 months. The dates for recharge of a specific
battery are marked on the battery packing cases. If at all
Allow sufficient time between turning the
possible, the batteries should not be stored at temperatures
operating mode switch to SECURE and
above 80F.(26.66C.) for extended (longer than a few days)
disconnecting the signal wire for the exit
periods of time. High temperature storage will reduce the
time delay to expire (approximately 10 to
time between required recharges and may shorten the battery
90 seconds).
service life. If it is impossible to store the batteries at 7075
F.(21.11C.-23.88C.), then the batteries must be recharged
(17) To adjust the exit time delay, leave the sensor
at intervals specified in the following table, disregarding the 6
intrusion input wire or jumper wire disconnected.
month interval specified on the packing case. Batteries must
(18) Turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET.
never be stored at temperatures above 100 F.(37.77 ) or
below -30 .(-34.44C).
(19) Turn operating mode switch to SECURE and
start stopwatch simultaneously.
(20) Observe TS352B VOM.
When voltage
Storage temperature
Maximum time between recharge
indication drops to approximately 0.5 volt, stop stopwatch.
70F. (21.11 .)
Subtract entrance time delay recorded in step (12) or (16)
6 months
from present reading to obtain exit time delay.
80F. (26.66 .)
5 months
90F. (32.22 .)
4 months
(21) If exit time delay is satisfactory, proceed to
100F. (37.77 .)
step (24) to restore equipment to normal condition.
3 months
c. Periodic Testing of Operational Batteries. Prior to initial
(22) To adjust exit time delay, rotate potentiometer
installation, the batteries should be fully charged and tested in
A9R6 (fig.
accordance with the instructions in d and e below. Once this
counterclockwise to increase time delay.
initial charging and testing has been accomplished, the
(23) Repeat (18), (19), (20), and (22) above until
batteries should require no maintenance for a period of one
desired exit time delay is achieved.
year at ambient temperatures below 100 .(37.77 .), and six
(24) Disconnect TS352B VOM test leads.
months at temperatures above 100 .(37.77 .). At the
(25) Turn operating mode switch to TEST/RESET.
conclusion of these operating periods, the batteries should be
(26) Disconnect jumper wire between terminals L2-
retested in accordance with d below. Since the batteries have
1 and -4.
been operating in the equipment they do not require
(27) Connect sensor intrusion alarm input wire or
recharging prior to test. The tests in d below should thereafter
orange jumper, as applicable, at terminal E1.
be performed at six month intervals for items operating
(28) Close and lock door.
(29) Turn operating mode switch to SECURE.
Change 3 7-13
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