![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9050
TO 31S9-4-38-1
Chart 7-1. Troubleshooting Chart - Continued
Probable Trouble
Corrective Action
a. Meter indicates approximately 27.5
a. Defective relay A8K1.
a. Replace audible alarm
V dc.
module A8.
a. No voltage present at all
a. Defective relay A8K1.
a. Replace audible alarm
module A8.
b. Defective operating mode
a. Check for 20 V dc between ter-
switch S3.
minal 2-1 of switch S3 and
ground. No voltage, replace
operating mode switch.
a. Meter indicates more than 2000
a. Defective contacts in relay
a. Remove latched alarm module A10.
ohms for a duress no-
A9K1 or A10OK4, or de-
Check for less than 2000
alarm input.
Fective 10-second timer.
ohms between pins
J10-13 and -14.
Pin J10-1 is the bottom pin in the
right-hand row.
Replace module A9 if in-
dication is incorrect. Replace
module A10 if indication is correct.
a. Meter indicates greater than
a. Defective 10-second in-
a. Replace instantaneous
100,000 ohms for under
stantaneous alarm timer.
alarm module A9.
8 or over 12 seconds.
b. Meter still reads less than
a. Defective relay A9K1
a. Replace instantaneous
2000 ohms after jumper
or 10-second timer.
alarm module A9.
wire is disconnected
(alarm input).
a. Sonalert does not sound.
a. Defective sonalert DS2.
a. Check for approximately 0
volts between terminals
TB3-3 and -4 on power
supply. If meter indicates
approximately 5 V dc,
replace power supply.
b. Defective transistor switch on
a. Replace module A8.
audible alarm module A8.
a. Sonalert does not sound for 10
a. Defective 10-second instan-
a. Replace instantaneous alarm
2 seconds after jumper
taneous alarm timer.
module A9.
wire is reconnected.
a. Sonalert does not sound.
a. Defective 10-second instan-
a. Replace instantaneous alarm
taneous alarm timer.
module A9.
a. Sonalert does not sound.
a. Defective operating mode switch
a. Perform step g. If meter
S3 or 10-second instan-
indicates more than 100,000
taneous alarm timer.
ohm, replace switch S3.
a. Meter still indicates less than
a. Defective operating mode
a. Replace switch S3.
2000 ohms after jumper wire
switch S3.
is disconnected (alarm input).
a. Meter still indicates less than
a. Defective relay A10OK4.
a. Replace latched alarm module
2000 ohms after POWER
switch is set to OFF.
a. Meter indicates more than
a. Defective contacts in one or
a. Replace instantaneous alarm
2000 ohms.
more of the following relays;
module A9 and/or latched
A9K1, A9K2, A9K3,
alarm module A10.
A10K1, A10K2, or A100K4.
b. Defective 10-second timer on
a. Replace module A8.
audible alarm module A8.
a. Meter indicates 100,000 ohms for
a. Defective 10-second timer on
a. Replace module A8.
less than 8 seconds or
audible alarm module A8.
more than 12 seconds.
b. Meter still indicates less than
a. Defective 10-second timer
a. Replace module A8.
2000 ohms after jumper wire
on audible alarm module A8.
is disconnected.
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