![]() TM 5-6350-262-14/5
NAVELEX 0967-466-9050
TO 31S9-4-38-1
area where the control unit is located without causing an
J10-12. An intrusion alarm signal (20 volts dc) input activates
output alarm. If operating mode switch S3 is not positioned to
the 10-second instantaneous alarm circuit. When activated
TEST/RESET within the set time period, then a latched alarm
the one-shot timing circuit provides a return path to the
signal will be output to terminal boards S and L2. An intrusion
ground buss for the 20 volts dc applied to the coil of relay
alarm signal (20 volts dc) output from the entrance time delay
A9K1 and causes it to operate for 10 2 seconds. When
circuit is applied to an SCR switch and causes relay A10K2 to
relay A9K1 is operated, a high impedance alarm signal of
operate. With relay A10K2 operated, an impedance greater
greater than 100,000 ohms is present between output
than 100,000 ohms exists between output connector pins J10-
connector pins J9-14 and -U. If the intrusion alarm signal
9 and -10. This intrusion alarm signal is applied to control
input is still present after the 10-second time period, the
unit latched alarm output terminals S1-D and -DR. The
instantaneous alarm output signal will continue until the alarm
latched intrusion alarm output signals will remain until relay
input disappears. Instantaneous no-alarm/alarm signals are
A10K2 is restored by turning operating mode switch S3 to
applied between output terminals SI-I and -IR. Instantaneous
TEST/RESET then back to SECURE. If operating mode
alarms are output in operating mode secure, test/reset, latch,
switch S3 is at TEST/RESET when the intrusion alarm is
and non-latch.
received, a normal latched output on terminals S1-D and -DR
is inhibited. In this operating mode a 10-second alarm is
(2) Sonalert. Plus 20 volts dc is applied to sonalert
applied to latched output terminals S1-D and -DR to replace
buzzer DS2 when operating mode switch S3 is in the
the normal latched output. From pin 2-2 of switch S3, 20
TEST/RESET position. The buzzer dc return is connected
volts dc is fed through connector pin J93 and applied to the
through J8-13 to a transistor switch on audible alarm module
coil of relay A9K2. A 20-volt intrusion alarm input signal
A8. When the 10-second instantaneous alarm circuit is
activates the 10-second timing circuit which connects the
activated by an intrusion alarm signal as described in the
return side of relay coil A9K2 to the ground buss. With relay
previous paragraph, 5 volts dc is fed through connector pin
A9K2 operated, an impedance greater than 100,000 ohms
J9-R to J8-14 and applied to the transistor switch. The 5 volts
exists between connector pins J9-B and -4. This 10-second
dc causes the transistor to conduct thereby switching the
intrusion alarm signal is applied to latched alarm output
return side of buzzer DS2 to the ground buss. The buzzer will
terminals S1-D and -DR concurrent with the instantaneous
sound for 10 2 seconds, until the intrusion alarm input
alarm output.
signal is removed, or until operating mode switch S3 is moved
from the TEST/RESET position.
(2) Non-Latched Alarm. If LATCH/NON LATCH
switch S5 is in the NON LATCH position, 20 volts dc is not
d. Latched Alarm Output. The latched alarm outputs consist
applied to the coil of relay A10K2 to latch an intrusion alarm
of latched or 10-second non-latched signals applied to output
output signal. In the non-latch operating mode, 20 volts dc
terminal board S and an audible alarm output fed to terminal
from S5-2 is routed to connector pin J9-D and applied to the
board L2. These outputs and their duration are dependent
coil of relay A9K3. The intrusion alarm output (20 volts dc)
upon the position of switches S3 and S5.
from the entrance time delay is now routed out J10-18,
through switch S5-8 to -9, and to connector pin J8-5. The
(1) Latched Alarm. When an intrusion alarm signal
20volt intrusion alarm signal is applied to, and activates, a 10-
is received,. a latched alarm output signal is supplied by
second timing circuit. When activated, the timing circuit
latched alarm module A10 if the control unit operating mode
connects the return side of relay coil A9K3 to the ground buss
switch S3 is in the normal SECURE position and switch S5 is
and causes it to operate for 10 2 seconds. In this condition,
in the LATCH position. Latched alarm output signals are
an impedance greater than 100,000 ohms exists between
inhibited in the access mode to permit controlled zone entry
connector pins J9-B and -4. This 10-second intrusion alarm
without setting off an alarm. In the secure mode, 20 volts dc
output signal is applied to latched alarm output terminals S1-
is applied to the coil of relay A10K2 in the following manner:
D and -DR concurrent with the instantaneous alarm output.
From S3 pin 2-3 through diode CR2, S5-4, S5-5, and to J10-
L. Providing the instantaneous alarm module A9 exit time
(3) Audible Alarm. The intrusion alarm signal (20
delay is timed out, an intrusion alarm signal will be present at
volts dc) from the entrance time delay circuit is also applied to
connector pin J9-12. This signal is applied to an entrance
a SCR switch for relay A10K3. When an intrusion alarm
time delay circuit through connector pin J10-3. The time
signal activates the SCR switch, relay A10K3 will operate only
delay is adjustable from 10 2 to 90 10 seconds by means
if operating mode
of potentiometer A10R8. The purpose of the entrance time
delay is to allow using personnel time to enter the secured
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