![]() b. When not operating in conjunction with a
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal, the
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal, the
band rejection filter is inserted between the broad-
detection circuits process the output from the
band amplifiers and the detection circuits. A syn-
broad-band amplifier without going through the
chronizing pulse of 26.3 kHz (provided by the
band rejection filter. The detection circuits recognize
processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal) is
a high frequency sound of 50 msec duration or longer.
also connected to the band rejection filter. A sharp
Four detected high frequency sounds of 50 msec
rejection notch filter is generated at the precise
duration occurring within a 15 second period will
frequency of the processor/transceiver ultrasonic
activate the alarm or a single continuous high
motion signal therefore any ultrasonic sounds
frequency sound of 4.5 seconds duration or longer
generated by the transmit transducer (transceiver)
will also activate the alarm.
are filtered out and not processed by the detection
circuits. High frequency sounds adjacent to either
c. When the processor/receiver ultrasonic passive
side of the filter notch pass through and are
signal is operating in the same area as a
processed by the detection circuits.
Section II.
6-3. Detailed Functional Analysis (fig. FO-2)
circuit that is resonant at approximately 26 kHz (mid
way in the equipment ultrasonic range). The
Detailed block diagram of the processor/receiver
combined resonant circuits of the three broad-band
ultrasonic (fig. FO-2, located at rear of manual)
amplifiers results in a relatively flat frequency
highlights the functions within the receiver and the
response between 20 kHz and 30 kHz and rejects
processor as well as signal flow paths between
frequencies outside of this band that are associated
functions. Blocks are identified by their function and
with naturally occurring phenomena.
the main components comprising the function.
a. Receiver. This unit contains an ultrasonic
c. Detection Circuits. W h e n o p e r a t i n g a
microphone and a preamplifier. The microphone is a
processor/receiver ultrasonic passive signal without
sensitive and delicate component and should be
a processor/transceiver ultrasonic motion signal
handled with care. It has a flat frequency response
operating in the same environment, the band
between 20 kHz and 30 kHz and contains an integral
rejection filter is bypassed and broad-band amplifier
FET buffer amplifier. The microphone drives
Q3 is coupled directly to amplifiers Q8 and Q9. These
preamplifier Q1 which is in cascade with broad-band
two amplifiers are direct coupled and provide
amplifier Q1 in the processor. The preamplifier has
additional gain for driving envelope detector CR1.
an adjustable gain of 20 dB which is controlled by
Output from envelope detector CR1 is impressed on
GAIN control R7 for setting optimum levels as
the base of threshold detector Q10 which operates at
required at each receiver location. The output
approximately plus 0.6 volts and fires one shot
impedance of each receiver is very high compared to
multivibrator Q11 and Q12. The output pulse from
the input impedance of broad-band amplifier Q1
the one shot multivibrator (test point MV) will
(processor). With multiple preamplifiers connected in
persist for approximately 1.5 seconds (momentary
parallel, the combined impedance of the worst
threshold exceeded) or for a threshold exceeded
condition (twenty) will not swamp the input to
period plus 1.5 seconds (fig. 6-2). During no detected
broad-band amplifier Q1.
sound the voltage level at test point MV is
b . B r o a d - b a n d A m p l i f i e r s . The input to the
approximately zero and during detected sound the
voltage level at test point MV rises to approximately
processor, from the preamplifier (receiver), is coupled
into broad-band amplifier Q1 which has a parallel
11 volts (length of voltage present is determined by
fixed tuned L-C circuit that is resonant at approxi-
one shot multivibrator). Integrator gate Q13 is
normally conducting when one shot multivibrator is
mately 22 kHz (low end of the equipment ultrasonic
inactive and when in this state it discharges R-C
range). The output of Q1 is coupled into the second
broad-band amplifier (Q2) which has a parallel fixed
integrator R48 and C27. When the one-shot multivi-
tuned L-C circuit that is resonant at approximately
brator is activated, integrator gate Q13 is cut off and
the R-C integrator starts charging. Following the
30 kHz (high end of the equipment ultrasonic range).
prescribed detected duration period of sound, the R-C
A swamping resistor is connected across this parallel
L-C resonant circuit to broaden the response curve.
integrator reaches a threshold level of approxi-
Output from Q2 is coupled into the third broad-band
mately 3 volts. Threshold detector Q14 goes into
conduction and operates one shot multivibrator Q15
amplifier (Q3) which has a parallel fixed tuned L-C
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