![]() There are no known differences between
ID-1921( )/FSS-9(V), Monitor Module, Alarm, ID-1922
monitor cabinets of the same model.
( )/FSS-9(V), and if applicable, the Receiver, Data, R-
1861( )/FSS-9(V). The relation- ship of the monitor
1-11. Tabulated Data
cabinet to other J-SIIDS components is illustrated in
a. Monitor Cabinet.
W eight (without batteries)
1-9. Description
CY-7359( )FSS-9(V) ----------------------38 pounds
CY-7360( )/FSS-9(V) ---------------------67 pounds
CY-7361( )IFSS-9(V) ---------------------190 pounds
a. General. The monitor cabinet enclosures are
Dimensions (overall):
comprised of a 'housing, with door, which provides
CY-7359( )/FSS-9(V)
Height ----------------------------------------11.62 inches
containment of a power supply, battery (emergency
Width -----------------------------------------14.06 inches
power), signal module, and associated J-SIIDS
Length ----------------------------------------18.94 inches
components. These include a data receiver for each
CY-7360( )/FSS-9(V)
alarm monitor module (if applicable), and from 1 to 25,
Height ----------------------------------------13.22 inches.
Width -----------------------------------------13.12 inches.
rack-mounted, status and/or alarm .monitor modules.
Length ----------------------------------------33.61 inches.
b. Enclosure. The enclosures are break and a
CY-7361( )/FSS-9(V)
weld fabricated housings, having 'a front mounted
Height----------------------------------59.436 inches.
access' door. Those portions of the door that would
Width ----------------------------------24.00 inches.
Length ---------------------------------15.62 inches.
cover the front panels of the alarm monitor module and
the status monitor modules have been die-cut from the
Housing --------------------------------------Gray per Federal Standard
door surface. A clear Plexiglass panel covers that
595, color chip 26492.
portion of door where monitor module lamps are
Lettering--------------------------------------Black per TT-I-558.
Power Requirements:
situated. The housing and door are fabricated from 14
Primary---------------------------------------110 to 125 V ac, 48 to 62 Hz.
gauge sheet steel. The enclosure door is of flange-over
Emergency ----------------------------------24 V dc; supplied by
design. It is attached to the enclosure by means of a full
(Secondary Power)
internal battery. Refer to
length, fixed-pin, piano-type hinge. The door is secured
para. b.
with a high security, tubular-key lock, which interfaces
CY-7359( )/FSS-9(V)
with the enclosure housing. Mounting on swing-out
AC --------------------------------------1.5 A, SB.
racks for the signal module is fixed, whereas the
DC--------------------------------------0.5 A, FB.
mounting for the monitor modules is provided by plug-in
CY-7360( )/FSS-V)
connectors. Each rack is equipped with a full length,
AC --------------------------------------3.0 A, SB.
DC--------------------------------------1.5 A, FB.
fixed-pin, standard door hinge. The racks are secured in
CY-7361( )/FS$-SOV)
place with a DZUS type fastener. Four 4-inrh holes
AC --------------------------------------8.0 A, SB.
are provided, as applicable to the .enclosure type, for
DC--------------------------------------7.0 A, FB.
use in mounting (wall or platform) the enclosures.
Environmental (operating):
c. Power Supply. The power supply provides
Temperature range ------------------------ - 20F to +150F.
Humidity -------------------------------------up to 95 percent relative
+20 V dc regulated power for the monitor cabinet and its
associated equipment (i.e., data receiver, status monitor
module, alarm monitor module, and signal module).
The power supply uses 110 to 125 V ac, 482 Hz at its
Temperature range ------------------------30F to +1656F.
Humidity -------------------------------------up to 95 percent relative
primary input.
d. Battery. The back-up or emergency power is
Shock----------------------------------------- 20 g, 11 ms duration and
provided by immobilized electrolyte, hermetically
bench handling.
sealed, batteries.
Vibration -------------------------------------withstand
e. Signal Module. The signal module consists
b. Battery.
of an audible signaling device, a monitor cabinet power
(1) CF24V5.
status indicator, and a LAMP TEST/ACKNOWLEDGE
Type ------------------------------------------Sealed, rechargeable.
switch. The signal module provides the status of the
W eight --------------------------------------- 9.5 pounds.
Height ---------------------------------------- 4.31 inches.
primary power input to the monitor cabinet.
Width -----------------------------------------6.25 inches.
Depth -----------------------------------------4.59 inches.
1-10. Difference. Between Models.
Voltage capacity----------------------------24 V dc, 6 ampere-hour.
(2) CF24V30.
Type ------------------------------------------Sealed, rechargeable.
W eight ---------------------------------------50 pounds.
Height ----------------------------------------6.87 inches.
Width -----------------------------------------12.93 inches.
Depth -----------------------------------------6.87 inches.
Voltage capacity----------------------------24 V dc, 30 ampere-hour.
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