![]() (5) Perform the procedure in steps b(5)
(7) Connect the receiver transducer (blue
dot) red and blue leads to their respective terminals
through (9) above.
adjacent to the receiver transducer.
Frequency Control Transducer Removal
(8) Connect the black lead from the chassis
Procedure (fig. 1-1).
ground to its respective terminal (BLK) on the pc board.
(1) Remove and retain the two 6-32 x 3/8
(9) Connect the identified interconnecting
inch long screws fastening the cover to the enclosure.
leads to their respective terminals on TBI.
Remove the frequency control
c. Receive Transducer Removal Procedure. The
transducer from plastic retainer.
receive transducer is identified by a blue dot, 3 inch
(3) Remove the plug from the frequency
long attaching lead and it is located at the opposite end
control transducer.
of the enclosure from the conduit entrance(s) (fig. 1-1).
Frequency Control Transducer Installation
(1) Perform the procedure in steps a(1)
Procedure (fig. 1-1 ).
through (3) above.
(1) Insert the plug into the transducer and
(2) Remove the two 4 x inch long flat
press it into the plastic retainer.
head sheet metal screws thread through the sides of the
(2) Secure the cover to the enclosure using
enclosure and into the plastic receive transducer support
two 6-32 x 3/8 inch long screws.
Remove the enclosure mounting
7-10. Printed Circuit Board Removal and
hardware and the necessary conduit clamps that will
Installation Procedure
permit removing the transceiver enclosure a sufficient
distance away from the mounting surface to allow
a. Processor PC Board Removal Procedure (fig.
removal of the final two 4 x inch long flat head sheet
metal screws through the rear of the enclosure into the
(1) Remove and retain the two 6-32 x 3/8
transducer plastic support.
inch long screws fastening the cover to the enclosure.
(4) Remove the two flat head sheet metal
(2) Tag, identify and remove the leads from
screws from the rear of the enclosure and the plastic
terminal boards TB1 and TB2.
support with the receive transducer attached.
(3) Remove and retain the seven 6-32 x 3/8
Using a short length of 7/8 inch
inch long screws fastening the pc board to the
diameter wooden dowel against the screened end of the
enclosure. Remove the pc board.
receive transducer press the transducer and deflector
b. Processor PC Board Installation Procedure (fig.
(phenolic ring) out of the plastic support.
(6) Unplug the 3 inch long lead from the
(1) Orient the pc board so that the terminal
rear of the receive transducer.
boards (TB1 and TB2) are adjacent to the conduit
d. Receive Transducer Installation Procedure.
enclosure. Secure the pc board to the enclosure using
The spare receive transducer is identified by a blue dot
seven 6-32 x 3/8 inch long screws.
on the outer edge of the screened end of the transducer.
Connect the appropriate leads
(1) Mate the screened end of the receive
(identified by tags) to terminals on terminal boards TB1
transducer with the rear of the round sleeve portion of
and TB2.
the plastic transducer support. Place the jack end of the
c. Transceiver PC Board Removal Procedure (fig.
transducer against a firm surface and press the top end
of the plastic sleeve portion with the hand palm until the
(1) Remove and retain the four 4 x inch
transducer ridge seats firmly against the plastic support.
long sheet metal screws fastening the cover to the
Press the deflector (phenolic ring) into the plastic
support and against the transducer screen.
(2) Tag, identify and remove the leads
(2) Plug the 3 inch long lead into the
attaching to terminal board TB 1.
receive transducer jack.
(3) Disconnect the transmit transducer and
(3) Secure the receive transducer and
the receive transducer red and blue leads along with the
plastic transducer support to the enclosure using four 4
black chassis ground lead from the pc board.
x inch long flat head sheet metal screws, two through
(4) Remove the three sheet metal screws
the rear of the enclosure and one through each side of
securing the pc board to the two plastic transducer
the enclosure (fig. C-3).
supports. Remove the pc board.
(4) Secure the enclosure to the mounting
surface and the conduit clamps that were temporarily
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