a. Grounded Conductor.
In checking for a
grounded conductor, the test is made between each
6-1. General
conductor and ground while the far end of the cable is
When a cable fault occurs, one or a combination of the
following conditions may be found to exist: (1) One or
more of the conductors may be grounded, (2) there may
b. Short Circuit. In checking for a short circuit
be a short circuit between two or more conductors, (3) the
between conductors, the test is made between each of the
cable may be open circuited. Faults in exposed cable,
possible combinations of conductors An ground or by
joints, connections or equipment can usually be found by
testing each conductor with the o per conductors of the
visual inspection. Any source of dc potential connected to
cable ground.
the cable terminal through a voltmeter or a volt dc meter
resistance can be used to determine the type of fault. A
portable testing set megger of appropriate voltage! should
determined by tying the conductors together temporarily
be used to test isolated sections of cable after the ends
at the far end and then testing between each conductor
have been disconnected from feeders, buses or
and ground.
If the conductors are continuous, the
voltmeter reads full voltage, the meter reads full voltage'
or the meager reads zero.
6-2. Test
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