![]() CHAPTER 1
Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
This manual is published for use by personnel who will operate this Avionics Model 950-2200A Mobile Substation in
conjunction with a power source to service DCS stations. It provides information on operation, organizational
maintenance, describes the main units and their functional relation to each other.
1-2. Forms and Records
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are to the used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance levels are
listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
1-3. Administrative Storage
(Refer to TM 740-90-1 (Administrative Storage of Equipment for information and instructions pertaining to organizational
maintenance administrative storage.
1-4. Reporting of Errors
Reports of errors, omissions, and recent and recommendations for improving this publication by individual user is
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications), and forwarded
direct to Commanding General, U.S. Army Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-MP, 4300 Goodfellow
Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri, 63120.
1-5. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent
Refer to TM 750-244-3 (Procedure for Destruction of Equipment to Prevent Enemy Use) for information and instructions
on destructions of equipment to prevent enemy use.
1-6. Description
a. General. The Avionics Model 950-2200A 500 (KVA Mobile Substation (fig. 1-1 sheets 1 and 2) is a self-contained
unit. It may be used with generator sets or other power source for emergency or interim service at DCS stations or to
support a DCS extension. It is mounted on a semitrailer for mobility and is provided with controls, instruments and
accessories necessary to operate. All enclosures mounted on the trailer are weatherproof.
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