3-29. Engine Crankcase and Related Parts
(4) Refer to figure 3-35 and remove remaining
parts from engine crankcase.
c. Inspection and Replace.
with machine surfaces for mounting the cylinders,
(1) Inspect all parts for cracks, stripped
valve lifter, camshaft crankshaft, gears, and ac-
threads or other damage.
cessories. The lubricating oil reservoir is in the
(2) Replace all damaged parts. Replace
lower portion and it contains spray nozzles, which
gaskets with new ones at installation.
spray oil to the connecting rod bearings and other
d. Reassembly and Installation.
operating parts of the engine. The engine mounting
(1) Refer to figure 3-34 and install the splash
supports bolt to the crankcase.
plates and nozzles.
b. Removal and Disassembly.
(2) Refer to figure 3-35 and install remaining
(1) Remove the crankshaft (para 3-27).
parts on the engine crankcase.
(2) Remove the camshaft (para 3-28).
(3) Install the camshaft (para 3-28).
(3) Refer to figure 3-34 and remove the splash
(4) Install the crankshaft (para 3-27).
plates and oil spray nozzles.
Figure 3-34. Splash plates and oil spray nozzles, removal and installation.
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