to file both ends at one time. Measure the gap
frequently to keep from cutting off too much stock.
(3) Refer to table 1-1 for repair and
replacement standards.
e. Reassembly. Refer to figure 3 - 2 5 a n d
reassemble the piston, a n d c o n n e c t i n g r o d i n
reverse order of disassembly.
f. Installation.
Stagger piston ring gaps 90 degrees apart
around the piston.
(1) Install oil ring and scraper ring with
scraper edge down.
(2) Coat cylinder walls, bearings, rings and
pistons with OE30 oil.
(3) Place the open end of the ring on piston
first. Spread ring only far enough to slip over piston
and into groove.
(4) Refer to figure 3-24B and install the piston
and co nnecting rod.
(5 ) Refer to figure 3-23 and install the cylinder
(6 ) Install the oil pump (para 3-22).
Figure 3-23. Cylinder head, removal
and installation.
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