between bars as this could give an indication
d. Testing.
of a shorted condition.
(1) Equipment. Use a 110 volt lamp connected
in series with test leads and a 110 volt power source
(3) S t a t o r a s s e m b l y . T e s t f i e l d c o i l s f o r
for checking continuity in armature and stator
grounds by touching one test lead to stator core and
assembly. A proper size "growler" should be used
other test lead to each of the field leads. If the lamp
for checking armature for open or short circuits.
lights, the field is grounded and the entire stator
(2) Armature. Test armature for grounds by
must be replaced. Using an ohmmeter, check field
touching one test lead to core laminations and other
coils for resistance (fig. 3-11) connect one test lead
test lead to each of the commutator risers. If the
of ohmmeter circuit to terminal "A" and the other
lamp lights, the windings are grounded and ar-
test lead to terminal "D"; the resistance between
mature must be replaced. If the "growler" test
these two terminals should be from 2.0 to 2.3 ohms.
indicates either open or short circuits, the armature
Resistance valves outside these limits indicate
must be replaced.
faulty circuitry. If the conditions require extensive
repairing the stator assembly must be replaced.
Make certain that commutator is free of
m e t a l l i c particles and carbon dust wedged
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