3-14. Starter-generator
(12) Applying pressure from recessed side of
support assembly (52), carefully press ball bearing
(51) out of support assembly.
(13) Carefully press ball bearing (53) from
b. Disassembly.
stator assembly also remove grommets (55) leaving
(1) Remove identification plate (26, fig. 3-9)
stator (54).
by removing screws (27) only if replacement is
(14) Remove nuts (2, fig. 3-10) and washers
(3), and slide brush bolder assembly (1) out of
(2) Disassemble the filter box (1 through 2 5 )
holes in support (10).
in numerical sequence.
(15) Remove springs (4) and studs (5) from
(3) Remove brush cover band assembly (28)
brush holder (6).
and lift out six brushes (29) after removing six
(16) Remove insulating washer (7), insulating
screws (30).
plate (8) and insulating tube (9) from support (10).
(4) Cut and remove safety wire on cap screws
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
(32). Remove twelve cap screws (32) and washers
(33) and lift off fan cover (31).
support assembly, armature, stator assembly and
(5) Hold the drive spline with spline wrench,
kitted parts by washing in cleaning solvent, Federal
and remove two piece locknut (34) and washer
Specification No. P-S-661. When parts are
(35). Then, using a soft faced mallet, tap com-
thoroughly clean, rinse in clean solvent and dry
mutator end of drive shaft assembly (36) to loosen
with filtered compressed air.
internal splines. Pull drive shaft assembly out of
(2) Blow dust and other foreign matter from
armature assembly (48) using care so splines are
brush support assembly, then wipe clean with a
not damaged.
cloth moistened in cleaning solvent.
(6) Disassemble drive shaft assembly into its
(3) Blow dust and other foreign matter from
components as follows: Remove nuts (37) and slide
armature with filtered compressed air; then wipe
adapter retainer (33) off end of shaft, then remove
with a cloth moistened in cleaning solvent.
s p r i n g s (39) from shaft studs. Do not remove
(4) Blow dust and other foreign matter from
pressure plate (40) and friction plate (41) from
inside field assembly
shaft (42) unless replacement is necessary.
t h e n wipe with a cloth m o i s t e n e d i n c l e a n i n g
(7) After removing retaining ring (43) and
outer baffle disc (46) from drive end of armature
( 5 ) Visually inspect all parts for cracks,
shaft, press armature from stator (with fan and
warpage, excessive w e a r a n d o t h e r a p p a r e n t
support assembly still attached to armature).
damage. See tables 3-2 and 3-3 for detailed in-
(8) Pull fan (44) off end of armature shaft and
remove key (45).
(9) Remove inner baffle disc (46) from drive
end of armature shaft.
P a r t s listed in table 3-2 are normally replaced
(10) Carefully press armature (48) from
at overhaul. New parts do not require in-
support assembly (52), then remove baffle disc
s p e c t i o n . This table is provided for instances
where replacement parts are not readily
(47) from armature shaft.
(11) Cut off lockwire from screws (50) and
after removing screws, remove retaining ring (49).
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