![]() TM 5-6115423-15
K--Rebuild: Restore to a condition com-
G--Install: Remove and install the same
parable to new by disassembling to de
item for service or when required for
termine the condition of each compo-
the performance of other maintenance
nent part and reassembling using serv-
iceable, rebuilt, or new assemblies sub-
H--Replace: Substitute serviceable compo-
assemblies, and parts.
nents, assemblies and subassemblies for
d. Reference Note. This column, subdivided
unserviceable counterparts.
into columns L and M, is provided for refer-
encing the Special Tool and Test Equipment
I--Repair: Restore to a serviceable condi-
Requirements (sec. HI) that may be associ-
tion by replacing unserviceable parts or
ated with maintenance functions ( Section II).
by any other action required using
available tools, equipment and skills, in-
3. Explanation of Columns inSection III
cluding welding, grinding, riveting,
Referenre Code. This column consists of
straightening, adjusting and facing.
a number and a letter separated by a dash.
J--Overhaul: Restore an item to a complete-
The number references the T&TE requirements
ly serviceable condition (as prescribed
column on the Maintenance assignment. The
by serviceability standards developed
letter represents the specific maintenance
and published by the commodity com-
function the item is to be used with. The letter
mands) by employing techniques of "In-
is representative of columns A through K on
spect and Repair Only As Necessary"
the Maintenance assignment.
( I ROAN). Maximum use of diagnostic
b. Maintenance Category. This column
and test equipments combined with mini-
shows the lowest level of maintenance author-
ized to use the special tool or test equipement.
mum disassembly during overhaul.
"Overhaul" may be assigned to any level
c. Nomenclature, This column lists the
of maintenance except organizational,
name or identification of the tool or test equip-
provided the time, tools, equipment, re-
pair parts authorization, and technical
d. Tool Number. This column lists the
skills are available at that level. Nor-
manufacturer's code and part number, or
mally, overhaul as applied to end items,
Federal stock number of tools and test equip-
is 1 limited to depot maintenance level.
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