![]() TM 5-6115-423-15
54. General
56. Demolition by Explosive or
Weapons Fire
a. When capture or abandonment of the load
bank to an enemy is imminent, the responsi-
unit and detonate them simultaneously with a
ble unit commander must make the decision
suitable detonator and detonating cord.
either to destroy the equipment or render it
b. Weapons Fire. Fire on the load bank
inoperative. Based on this decision, orders are
with the heaviest practical weapons available.
issued which cover the desired extent of de-
struction. Whatever method of demolition is
57. Other Demolition Methods
employed, it is essential to destroy the same
vital parts of all load banks and all corre-
a. Scattering and Concealment. Remove all
sponding spare parts.
easily accessible parts and scatter them through
dense foliage, bury them in a lake, stream, or
b. When lack of time or personnel prevents
other body of water.
complete destruction of the equipment, the
b. Burning, Pack rags, clothing, or canvas
following priorities will be used in the destruc-
inside, under and around the load bank. Satu-
tion of essential parts
rate this packing with gasoline, oil or diesel
(1) Control panel assembly
fuel and ignite it.
c. Submersion. Totally submerge the equip-
(2) Power absorbers
ment in water to provide water damage and
concealment. Salt water does greater damage
(4) Contactor
to metal parts than fresh watar.
(5) Rectifier
58. Training
All operators should receive training in the
55. Demolition to Render the Equipment
destruction of the load bank. Refer to FM
5-25. Simulated destruction using all of the
a. Mechanical Means. Use sledge hammers,
methods listed, should be included in the train-
crowbars, picks, axes or any other heavy tools
ing program. It must be emphasized in train-
which may be available to completely destroy
ing that demolition operations are usually
the following:
necessitated by critical situations when time
available for carrying out destruction is limited
( 1 ) Control panel
For this reason, it is necessary that operators
( 2 ) Power absorbers
be thoroughly familiar with all methods of
( 3 ) Variable transformer
destruction of equipment, and be able to carry
out demolition instructions without reference
Note. The above steps are minimum re-
to this or any other manual.
quirements for this method of destruction.
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