TM 5-6100-215-ESC
d. Authorized items not on hand will be given lowest color
1. Purpose. This manual furnishes the user a procedure for
rating authorized for that item.
evaluating the equipment to perform its primary mission for 90
e. This equipment is rated in the basis of capability for
days with normal maintenance support. Application of this
immediate operation and amount of wear life remaining on the
procedure does not eliminate or reduce the requirement for
components. The rating is not meaningful unless each check is
prescribed maintenance service on the equipment and does not
authorize replacement of components.
made with the utmost care and accuracy.
Record the evaluation results an DA Form 2404,
(Equipment Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet), using a
2. Definitions. a. Equipment Category GREEN. Equipment free
separate sheet for each multiple-aspect equipment, subsystem,
of condition that would limit the reliable performance of its primary
and/or component, including those evaluated by separately
mission for a period of 90 days of operation.
published equipment serviceability criteria technical manuals. The
blocks will be completed as shown below:
Equipment Category AMBER.
Operationally ready
equipment that possesses a limiting factor(s) which may curtail a
(1) BLOCK 1. Insert the organizational designation of the
reliable performance of its primary mission for a period of 90 days
unit performing the evaluation.
of operation.
(2) BLOCK 2. Insert item name and model.
c. Equipment Category RED. Equipment unable to perform
its primary mission immediately or possessing an unacceptable
(3) BLOCK 3. Insert the Federal Stock Number.
reliability for sustained performance (90 days) of its primary
(4) BLOCK 4. Insert the hours equipment has been
operated as of the date of the evaluation.
3. General Instructions
a. This technical manual, unless
classified, will be filed with the equipment log book.
(5) BLOCK 5. Insert the standard six digit calendar date that
equipment serviceability criteria evaluation is performed.
Preventive maintenance checks and services and
(Example: 3 January 1969 would be 690103).
troubleshooting tables in the applicable TM 5 manual
are to be used in conjunction with this TM when
(6) BLOCK 6. Insert the letters "ESC."
performing the evaluation Also applicable LO 5 is
(7) BLOCK 7. Insert the equipment serviceability criteria
technical manual number and its date of issue.
b. This evaluation will actually be performed on the item(s)
being rated by operator/crew.
(8) Column a. Insert the checkpoint item number.
c. Equipment serviceability criteria items covered in this
(9) Column b. Place each obtained color rating opposite the
manual, but not authorized to the evaluating organization shall not
item to which it applies. (insert "GREEN," "AMBER" or "RED" as
be rated.
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