![]() TM 5-5430-209-12
9-1. Tank Disassembly Precautions
erection; such as 1-1, 1-2, 1-3 for the bottom rings; 2-
a. General.
1, 2-2, 2-3 for the second ring, etc.
Disassembly and re-erection of
(8) Clean each component thoroughly as it is
bolted storage tanks require much more skill than
removed. Particular attention must be paid to lap seam
assembly of new tanks. A bolted tank will usually settle
mating surfaces. All tank sealing compound and rust
and warp. Therefore, each stave and panel must be
near joints must be removed before reassembly .
placed back into its same relative position during
b. Specific Disassembly Precautions.
reerection. All joints must be thoroughly cleaned,
(1) Use extreme caution in opening and venting
prefereably with a powered wire brush and sanding disk.
the tank so as not to create a spark which might ignite
All panels and staves must be lowered and handled with
exposive vapors. Do not smoke, or light inflammables
extreme care so as not to change their shape relative to
near the tank.
their adjacent components. Airborne lead from tank
(2) Open pressure vacuum valve and emergency
joints and rusty surfaces is extremely toxic.
vent in the tank deck.
(1) Determine contents stored in the tank. If tank
(3) Remove cleanout cover and allow tank to vent
has been used for petroleum products, make sure that
until all fumes and vapors have dissipated.
upon re-erection it is not used for potable water storage.
(4) Use windsails directed into the cleanout
If possible, prepare for disassembly several weeks in
opening to aid in circulation of air through the tank.
advance. Drain and flush tank bottom. Open all
(5) Clean the tank as instructed in TM 10-1109.
inspection hatches and manholes. Remove clean out
9-2. Disassembly of Tanks
door and allow tank to ventilate for a week or two. If
a. General.
Disassembly procedures are the
tank has been used for storage of petroleum products
reverse of those followed when erecting the tank.
containing lead, atmosphere within the tank should be
b. Tank Disassembly. Refer to the appropriate
tested frequently for lead vapors. Lead fumes are highly
toxic and dangerous.
erection instructions and disassemble the tank in the
(2) Be sure the tank has been emptied of its
following sequence:
contents before beginning disassembly.
(1) Remove cleanout cover, tank outlets, water
(3) Do not save or attempt to salvage gasket
drawoff valve, and manhole air intake or emergency
material .
(4) Do not save or attempt to salvage nuts and
(2) Install the scaffold around the top chime of top
bolts that show the slightest amount of damage.
staves. Remove deck guard and access ladder.
(5) Do not remove nuts and bolts from any
(3) Install gin pole or center pole boom on the
component until it is time for that component to be
center support (as appropriate). Remove tank deck and
removed from the tank. Drive bolts out with a hammer
disassemble the rafter (as appropriate).
Do not
and tapered drift pin. Do not bend staves or panels with
disassemble special deck plates.
hammer blows - handle each component with care.
(4) Remove umbrella-type deck support and
(6) Do not attempt to disassemble the tank without
center column (as appropriate).
using gin poles (as applicable), center pole boom (as
(5) Remove the side staves. Use gin pole and
applicable), and scaffolding. Be careful not to bend tank
scaffold for 3000-and 10,000-barrel tanks.
(6) Disassemble tank bottom plates and center
(7) Match-mark or tag components as they are
support base (as appropriate).
removed. Use paint to mark staves, bottom and top
(7) Discard all gasket material and any damaged
sections. Any system must be obvious to the re-
bolts and nuts. Hammer out any dented parts.
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