![]() TM 5-5430-209-12
g. Erosion Protection. After the tank is erected,
Do not use sod or other flammable
place large cobbles, brick, soil cement, or pieces of
broken cement on the outer slopes to prevent erosion.
2-5. Uncrating the Equipment
2-6. Inspecting the Equipment
a. Follow instructions stenciled on the crate. Cut
Inspect all items of the tank for damage due to shipping,
all straps securing the top, sides, and ends. Remove
unloading or uncrating. Inspect all plates, staves, and
the top, sides, and ends in that order.
channels for poor alignment and damage. Examine all
b. After opening the crate, remove only the
ladder components and manhole dome for breaks,
necessary items for assembly of the tank bottom. Bolts,
bends, and cracks. On the 1000-, 3000-, and 10,000-
nuts, and washers are packaged separately within the
barrel capacity tanks, make sure the center support
crate; make sure they are not misplaced during
base is not warped or broken. Make corrections as
necessary before starting construction. Replace any
c. After uncrating and assembling the bottom
items damaged beyond field repair.
plates, remove the remaining tank component items
from the crate. Check contents of crate with attached
packing list.
2-7. General
The precautions listed in this section apply to the
Apply sealing compound to the bottom
erection of all tanks covered by this manual.
of tanks which are to be used to store
2-8. General Erection Precautions
petroleum products only.
c. Staves.
a. Clean and dry all steel surfaces which contact
(1) On all tanks except the 100-barrel tank,
gasket material.
b. Tighten all bolts uniformly and carefully; avoid
place the first stave sheet so that it straddles a radial
seam of the tank bottom. On the 100-barrel tank, the
crushing gaskets. A maximum of 40 to 50 foot-pounds
bottom chime bolt hole in the vertical seam of the first
of torque should be used. Do not force or strip bolts.
stave installed is set over the end bolt in the bottom
Replace damaged bolts. Make sure all gaskets and
plate seam.
bolting surfaces are smooth.
c. Always
(2) On the 3000 and 10,000 barrel tanks,
place the stave sheets of each higher ring so that they
d. Place the round side of all nuts against steel.
straddle the vertical seams of the next lower ring.
e. Insert all bolts by hand. Tank component items
(3) Do not tighten vertical seam bolts until the
last stave in the ring is in place.
should be aligned with a structural (spud) wrench or an
d. Deck.
aligning punch so that hammering is not necessary.
f. Splice all gaskets to cover two bolt holes.
(1) Install first, the plate or section containing
2-9. Specific Erection Precautions
the pressure vacuum valve.
a. Foundation
(2) Make sure that all plates straddle the
vertical seams in single stave rings and in the top tank
(1) Try to avoid locations which are poorly
stave ring.
drained or otherwise require special foundations.
(3) Do not tighten bolts until the last plate is
(2) Level the foundation carefully in
in place and all staves have been checked for tightness.
accordance with paragraph 2-4.
2-10. Static, Lightning, and Stray Current
b. Bottom Section.
(1) Keep bottom plates or segments clean
a. Metallic tanks that are in contact with the ground
and dry.
are sufficiently grounded to provide for safe dissipation
(2) Loads that would cause distortion should
of lightning strokes.
not be placed on plates or segments.
b. Metallic tanks not resting directly on the ground
(3) Insert bolts from underneath, and
but connected to grounded piping systems are usually
temporarily back them with boards during assembly.
sufficiently grounded to provide for safe dissipation of
(4) Do not tighten bolts until the entire bottom
lightning strokes.
is laid and the first ring of staves is installed.
c. Metallic tanks that are insulated from the ground
(5) Compress ill-fitting overlaps with a blunt
can be protected by adequate grounding.
chisel or peeing tool. when necessary.
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