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TM 5-5420-205-14
cylinder on a horizontal position with ports face up. The
6-3.  Hydraulic Cylinder Testing
piston shall be unrestrained and cycled not less than 12
a. General. Following  repair,  hydraulic cylinders
times to purge system of air.
shall be tested as described below. The tests should be
(2) Insert cylinder in a suitable test frame or fixture
conducted at an ambient air temperature of from plus 40 .
so that piston is restrained from bearing against either
to plus 90 . and a hydraulic fluid temperature of plus
cylinder head.
40 . to plus 150 . at the pump discharge.
(3) Insert a graduated transparent tube of either
plastic or glass, and fasten it vertically to the cap-end
Hydraulic oil conforming to MIL-L-10295 shall be
cylinder port in such a manner as to prevent leakage. One
used. and tests conducted in the order specified.
end of the tube shall be open to atmosphere temperature.
b. Curbing.  Rotation, and Pinning Cylinders Proof
(4) Apply a 3,000 psi fluid pressure and maintain
this pressure in the cylinder at rod end.  Allow fluid
(1) Cycle  each  cylinder  with  the  piston
bypassing piston to enter and collect in the vertical tube.
unrestrained through not less than five complete cycles to
(5) Measure rise of fluid level during a period of
demonstrate operation, stroke, and adjustment.
not less than three minutes to determine the rate of internal
(2) Place each cylinder in a suitable test frame so
that the cylinder piston is restrained from bearing against
(6) Repeat the test on the other side of the
either cylinder head.
cylinder after reversing the pressurized and plugged ports.
(3) Connect the rod-end port and the cap-end port
(7) Internal leakage rate past the piston at 3,500
of cylinder to a common hydraulic line so that both ends of
psi for rotation, curbing, and pinning cylinders shall not
cylinder will be pressurized simultaneously.
exceed three fluid ounces per minute, using MIL-L-10295
(4) Apply a hydraulic proof pressure of 7,000 psi to
hydraulic oil.
cylinder for five minutes.
(8) Leakage  in  excess  of  the  above  rates
(5) Evidence of leakage, damage, or inability to
constitutes failure of this test.
cycle as required, shall constitute failure of this test.
e. Unfolding Cylinder Internal Leakage.
c.  Unfolding Cylinder Proof Pressure.
(1) Test each unfolding cylinder as in d above,
(1) Cycle each cylinder with piston unrestrained
except that the rate of leakage shall be measured from one
through not less than five complete cycles to demonstrate
end of the cylinder only.
operation, stroke, and adjustment.
(2) Apply an 8,000 psi pressure at the rod-end
(2) Place each cylinder on a suitable test frame,
port, and permit hydraulic fluid passing the pressurized
so that cylinder piston is restrained from bearing against
piston to collect in a tube inserted in the cap-end port.
either cylinder head.
(3) The rate of internal leakage past the piston at
(3) Connect rod-end port and cap-end port of
8,000 psi shall not exceed 8 fluid ounces
cylinder to a common hydraulic line so that both ends of
per minute, using MIL-L-10295 hydraulic oil.
cylinder will be pressurized simultaneously.
6-4.  Fabrication of Hydraulic Lines
(4) Apply hydraulic proof pressure of 12,000 psi to
For fabrication of hydraulic lines using high pressure tubing
cylinder for five minutes.
and fittings, refer to TM 5-5420-204-12, Appendix B, for
(5) Evidence of leakage, damage, or inability
superstructure model nos. 2195-1 and 2195-2; refer to TM
to cycle as required, constitutes failure of this test.
5-5420-210-12, Appendix C, for model nos.  2271 and
d. Curbing, Rotating, and Pinning Cylinders Internal
(1) Connect each curbing, rotating, and pinning
cylinder to a hydraulic system and place
The intercom cabling starts with a quick-disconnect
6-5.  General
coupling at the base of the rotation cylinder on the
The wiring harness of the end bays (model nos. 2195-2 and
transporter deck.  The cabling is then routed through a
2271), and interior bays (model nos. 2195-1 and 2272)
flexible metal conduit to the junction box. The junction box
consists of an intercom cable, connectors and mounting
contains a wye connection in interior bay model no. 2195-
hardware as shown in figure 4-17, 4-18(1) and 4-18(2).
1, and a terminal board in interior bay model

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