TM 5-5420-205-14
dents, and cracks. Replace parts as required.
6-1. General
(4) Check alignment of piston rod and inspect
a. This section contains repair instructions for the
ends for damage or defective threads.
curbing, rotating, pinning and ramp unfolding cylinder
assemblies, and fabrication of hydraulic line assemblies.
(5) Make sure piston rings are properly installed.
The curbing cylinder piston rings (15, fig. 6-1), the pinning
cylinder ring (14, fig. 6-3) and the ramp unfold cylinder
tabulated data, and to paragraph 2-2 for purpose and
ring (15, fig. 6-4), are installed with the "UP" side towards
function of the cylinder assemblies.
the rod end of the cylinder. Install the outer ring (11, fig.
6-2. Curbing, Rotating, Pinning, and Ramp Unfolding
toward each end of the cylinder.
a. Removal and Installation. Refer to paragraphs
(6) Inspect to determine if ramp and rotation
cylinder head and cylinder cap have port alinement within 5
the curbing, rotating, pinning, and ramp unfolding cylinders.
(7) Inspect ramp cylinder female eye bushing. If
defective, press in new bushing and machine as per
curbing, rotating, pinning, and ramp unfolding cylinders.
specification MIL-T-704, Type B.
c. Inspection and Repair.
(8) Inspect rotation cylinder ball check valves and
(1) Inspect piston and rings for scoring, wear, or
needle valves. Replace defective valves.
chipping. Replace a defective piston or ring.
(9) Inspect rotation cylinder female eye. Replace
(2) Inspect cylinder for abrasion, scoring, dents or
if defective.
cracks. Replace a defective cylinder.
(10) Inspect female eye in rotation cylinder cap.
(3) Inspect rod bushing, cylinder head, cylinder
Replace cap assembly if defective.
cap, and scraper retainer plate for wear, scoring, nicks,
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